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Everything posted by RCRanger03

  1. Vatican line is that he didn't say it, and that the article misrepresented PF's words Same publication, run by a well known Italian Athiest that in 2013 pubilished Francis as having "abolished sin", and is 96 but doesn't use a recorder or take notes when he interviews just goes by his impressions and memory
  2. Wasn't there some craziness about a Hickenlooper Kaisch ticket? In no order Biden and Kamela Harris Ticket Bernie and Tulsi Gabbard Klobuchar/Gillibrand and Chris Murphy Ticket Dark Horse: Jason Kander, he'd need to pick up some experience on the way since he didn't win his 2016 race. Darker Horse: Mayor Pete Buttigeig has some buzz, young and seems to have some measure of authenticity when he speaks, and first openly gay president has the same type of social momentum these days as first female president. Very not likely, maybe more of a VP pick for a centerist to placate the far lefties
  3. I'm happy Prickly Pear Shiner is back on the shelf
  4. You may not be laying pipe Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. That's an extremely subjective question and even if it weren't great is an ill-defined term. So prepare for an annoyingly long diatribe, but hey you asked If I were trying to run a movie blog rating system it would go something along the lines of: Acting Quality + Story Quality + Technical Quality = Rating, and also Rating + Subject Matter + Personal Enjoyment = Personal Value to Me Take one that people have mentioned above, Inception. Acting: Hardy good, Cotillard, Levitt and DiCaprio decent, Page was distractingly bad as usual and everyone else was passable.(3 of 5) Story: Big boost for being original, bogs down a bit at times, interesting but shallow philosophic underpinnings (4 of 5) Technical: Pretty amazing visuals and effects, Sound work was top notch (5 of 5) Rating = 12 of 15 = 80% Subject Matter: I like Nolan's brand of creativity, didn't have much beneath the surface though (3 of 5) Enjoyment: Didn't regret seeing it in IMAX opening night, but also have yet to feel the urge to see it again (3 of 5) Personal Value = 18 of 25 or 72%, definitely above average, but certainly not great by any means For me a "great" movie is something that has a high rating and has subject matter that appeals to my mind or heart AND I enjoy (or enjoy breaking into with friends and/or fellow viewers). There's lots of Best Picture movies that I'd say are highly rated, but few that I'd say were great. Also I can agree that the subject matter's relevance to me might have no impact on someone else or even detract from a movie's rating. A little known Irish movie a few years ago called Calvary is something I would call a GREAT movie. Acting: Top notch across the board, from both pedigreed actors and no names. Brendan Gleeson deserved more attention. (5 of 5) Story: Intense, Not formulaic or cliche, funny, deep, and a well crafted plot that didn't flinch or give up the ending, (5 of 5) Technical: Well shot, beautiful cinematography and scenery, nothing groundbreaking, but nothing that distracted in the least which I appreciated (4 of 5) Rating = 14 of 15 or 93%, and I'd argue most people who did see it wouldn't rate it too much lower However when we go to the second metric. Subject Matter: I'm annoyingly Catholic, I train people at Catholic Parishes to prevent, recognize, and interrupt abuse situations, I lived IN a small Irish Community establishing and training Irish for youth programs and worked extremely close with both Irish Priests AND people who hated anything to do with the Catholic Church. Also I now work managing a community for the formerly Chronically Homeless here in Austin and I deal every day with profound brokenness both in my residents, the people who volunteer and work with us and myself. All this background connects me on a visceral level to this film and it's themes, and ideas. (5 of 5, and higher if I could) Enjoyment: The in movie experience is a little raw (although deeply funny at times especially having my Irish experiences), however it's one of my favorite movies to show new friends and then right after have cut the bullshit let 's jump in the deep end conversations to digest the movie and talk about what it means to have shit going on in your life and how to help each other through that. (5 of 5) Personal Value = 24 of 25 or 96% For me that puts this movie at almost perfect and truly "great", but for a lot of people that second metric would depress the value a great deal bc they don't give a shit about any of the subject matter and would be at best depressed by the movie and they probably don't want to discuss it so even if it was well rated they wouldn't give it a "great" treatment.
  6. Don't look at the academy awards if you're looking for truly great movies
  7. Hruska’s in Ellinger used to do a mean burger to precede your kolache consumption. Haven’t had it since they remodeled though. Hope they kept the old griddle top Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Ate here every year from ages 0 - 18 on our family pilgrimages to lake jackson, Whats new about them?
  9. Is this for beer snobs only or can your run of the mill drunkard apply?
  10. Heavy is good, heavy is reliable. If it doesn't work you can always hit them with it. This is my go to line, whenever someone complains about something being heavy
  11. Just caught up... This season is going to be hell on wheels Who is Stan's girl spying for? It's either the Americans or "THE AMERICAN'S". I also agree that Oleg will blow Phillips cover with Stan, and that will start the truly epic shitstorm Agent Paige is still annoying. Elizabeth is the ultimate agent, but trying to be momma bear at the same time with Paige is going to get her compromised.
  12. Broke from the diamond tradition and sourced her some High Quality natural alexandrite stone from India and got a local jeweler to build me a ring around it. The fact that it was out of the norm led it to not needing to be a whopper in carats. She digs it and gets compliments for uniqueness, gets to belittle others for having conflict diamonds, and I got out cheap by traditional standards.
  13. Anyone have advice on doing berries? Would love to get some Blackberries going, but have pretty shit options for full sun. Does that make it a non starter or I make it work on a 5-6 hour spot?
  14. When my ride til it dies 99 Buick Century finally goes tits up, I'll come back to this thread. We're likely to have a 3rd kid in the next few years and the Prius I bought my work from home wife will no longer be sufficient.
  15. I had to quote this just to read it something wonky about the text color at least on mobile early archer was possibly the funniest thing I’ve ever watched. Newer archer has been passable but not on the same level
  16. Dresden Files, though nothing the SyFy hatchet job in the early 00s. It probably would be better as a netflix show ala their Marvel defenders show... on second hand other than Daredevil I haven't been impressed with their attempts in that area ... Does FX want to get into the Fantasy game, get some grit, bite and humor mixed together like Justified?
  17. Well sheeeeeit looks like Griffin and Embiid down likely the rest of the way... My meticulously crafted deep team, 5 in the season top 30 Butler (#27), Durant (#12), CP3 (#22), Embid (#14) Griffin (#28) and 2 in top more top 100 Warren (#58) and Harris (#78) all lost for 50%+ of the playoffs, what a massacred season ending. Fantasy blows in that way Who am I kidding though, I'll get suckered in next year too though.
  18. We need him to sort through and respond to all the important PMs However if you want to exile him, I'm okay with it, since he just bounced me from the fantasy basketball playoffs
  19. I'm attempting a raised bed garden with my older daughter to hopefully get her interested so later on I can dragoon her into growing me food. We put in Cherry Tomatoes (with marigolds per the garden store helpers advice), Spinach, Sugar Snap Peas, and some seed Kennebric potatoes that were sprouted (mostly because they were basically free) I've also got a history of being largely incapable of keeping plants given to me as gifts alive. We'll see how this goes, feel free to drop advice for first time gardeners. So far I've been told I'm a dumbass for starting so late, so I have that going for me
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