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Everything posted by utee94

  1. Huh? UPI is the coaches' poll. Only the name/sponsor changed in 1990. It's still the coaches' poll, and has been since 1950.
  2. Superdome is 3' above sea level according to google ai
  3. Definitely Superdome. We did it in... 2001 I think? Great trip.
  4. OK boomer. Just kidding I'm probably a year older than you. I was just out of college and a friend of mine had just bought a house in Westover Hills, with a pool. And he'd also just bought a "big screen TV" which were sort of brand newish at the time, outside of sports bars and Mr. Gatti's. That game started so late we were already pretty lit, and by the end of the game we weren't paying much attention and many shenanigans were afoot, but I do remember thinking, "who is this Ricky kid? He might be pretty good."
  5. CSB! I liked 'em too. Never saw them live though, and never almost lost my kidneys to the lead singer.
  6. And assface Toto's snide smirk while saying, "well there's just nothing we can do about it" even though there actually IS something the racing team principles could do about it.
  7. The 90s Industrial Rock band Stabbing Westward never has, either.
  8. Agree, B12 has been fun to watch this season. It always was.
  9. Texas and A&M each have two more SEC games. Several other teams have at least one. We COULD wait until the end of the season and see how it all shakes out, see if there's any reason to actually get up in arms. But nah, it's way better to engage in histrionics about things that might be, things that haven't happened and very well might not ever happen. It's better for clicks and eyeballs and whatnot. Same as it ever was.
  10. As someone pointed out above, for most games our ticket draw lasted several days, and demand wasn't higher than supply so you could swing by at any time and grab tickets. They were supposedly random, so even if you were first in line, you could end up with seats that were worse than the very last person to draw. TX-OU was different though. Fewer seats available for students due to the 50/50 split with the enemy, and very high demand, meant that if you didn't line up, it wasn't a question of getting bad tickets, it was a question of getting any tickets at all.
  11. We called it "ticket draw" but it was the same thing. And yeah, the lines for drawing TX-OU tickets were crazy.
  12. His reverse voodoo hex jinx isn't going to work. (Please don't work, reverse voodoo hex jinx)
  13. I think he might be disappointed when he finds that this coming era of UT-TAMU football is going to be just like the previous era of UT-TAMU football-- Texas winning the vast majority of games including having a winning record in College Station.
  14. That's the weirdest part about it. Every ag I know is proud of the fact that they are the ones who got cold feet about the PAC-16 and backed out of the deal. They don't openly admit that they lied for the next year while negotiating their exit to the SEC all while dealing in bad faith with the B12, but they revel in the fact that it was their hesitation and decision to back out of the PAC deal that gave Fox and Disney enough time to come up with the money to save the B12, and thus "trap evil t.u. in the BDF for another decade."
  15. Wow. Pretty much every detail in that weird and hysterical recounting of false history was wrong.
  16. After that game, the team started staying further out of town, in places like Brenham, to try and avoid their bullshit.
  17. For the old farts, just do a pot of Wick Fowler's with 2 lbs standard ground beef, and throw some cooked beans in at the end. Sounds like that's what they're looking for anyway.
  18. Had to smile yesterday watching the ags' two "impressive" wins vanish. Lulz.
  19. it's amusing to me that they're now crafting some new narrative about ZOMG NIGHT GAMES. We're not being forced to play ANY night games against SEC opponents on the road, oh noes! Nevermind that we're also not benefitting from getting a bunch of night games against SEC opponents at home, either. Miss State 3:15, Florida 11 AM, Kentucky 2:30 PM. Only Georgia was a night game, and they keep pointing out that our 2-score loss that was 1-score at the end of the 3rd quarter, was a total blowout. So, I guess night games aren't that important? Or, they're only important when they favor some strange and nonsensical narrative the ags are attempting to craft? Meanwhile the ags got LSU at home as a night game, and most likely will get Texas at home as a night game. If they beat us, night games will matter, if they lose, then it'll be the fault of something else which no doubt involves some nefarious plans devised and implemented by the snakey-sip axis of evil.
  20. 64 like the basketball tournament. Plus a few play-in games.
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