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Everything posted by utee94

  1. The ags have turned over more of their staff and a similar amount of players as Michigan, and yet the Wolverines will be a "shell" of themselves and the mighty ags are going 10-2 minimum. Okay...
  2. Agreed but still, I've been toying with the idea of switching to a new religion or perhaps starting one of my own. This guy might be my Messiah.
  3. Winning the CCG would be kept important for the top 4 by being rewarded with homefield advantage in the first round of an 8-team playoff, which is plenty compelling. The byes are stupid, 12 teams is stupid and unnecessary.
  4. Wait are you locked down in London or allowed to wander about? If you're MI-6 and they're holding you, doesn't seem like they'd just let you roam free. Also doesn't seem like they'd allow you to keep your phone, unless they're using it deliberately to spy on you and track you? Oh, and the bad news is they do have spyware all over your phone and your mic is constantly open whether you approve that or not. The good news is they really only use it to send you targeted ads for running shoes and bakeware.
  5. We usually do, but it's typically the "cool and rainy" kind rather than the "below freezing for a week so your electricity goes out and all your pipes burst" kind.
  6. WTF is going on around here? Negged.
  7. Well there's your problem right there. Get out of the 'hood, go to a gym in a better part of town. The mean streets of Allandale and Crestview are no place for gentle folk.
  8. You can't post the cover-art without posting the link to the actual groovy jams.
  9. Don't they have some branch of ESPN+ that's branded as SECN+? They already have more baseball games than slots, so I'm assuming it's already happening, and that some existing SEC baseball fans could tell us how it's currently working.
  10. Probably the Central Market version, with $18 beers.
  11. First and only school to leave the SEC would be A&M. Nobody else in the SEC cares what Texas does. Nobody else in the SEC lives in fear 24/7 of Texas. Which is great-- I'm really looking forward to playing a bunch of competitive schools in competitive games when it's not complete jihad for their infantile fan base.
  12. Yeah it's really something they've brought on themselves, they don't HAVE to use prime and their race to the bottom of profit margins is entirely their own fault.
  13. I remember being surprised and thinking Lewis had made a big mistake. I also thought Apple was dead when the Newton bombed.
  14. Bravo! This non-sequitur brought to you by Marijuana!
  15. I mean, aren't we eventually going to run out of vintage clothing to resell? And THEN what? Mark my words, the custom-tailored vintage clothing Chinese knockoff market is about to explode. Best get in on the ground floor...
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