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Everything posted by utee94

  1. I went the first year and it was very crowded. Not as big as an F1 weekend but still quite busy. The rain all weekend was a drag but folks hung in pretty well. I talked to a lot of NASCAR die-hards that seemed to enjoy the weekend. As you say, it's a well-run event from the NASCAR side, so I guess I'm surprised that the attendance/interest fell off so fast.
  2. Seems like the team has also basically quit on him. Not surprising I guess, given the too-early announcement of his departure, but still, show some pride.
  3. It's all going to be crowded. That's inevitable, so just relax and enjoy it...
  4. Yup. Nothing more need be said.
  5. But why? Nobody outside of the pariah states like North Korean and Iran believe even half a word that comes out of Russia. If it's meant as an internal measure to generate support for further mobilization, does it really even work, and does it really matter because Russia is going to do it anyway? Who exactly are they trying to "rally to the cause" two years into this 3-day special operation?
  6. Viva La Ferrari! Great race from Sainz, would have liked to see how it turned out without the Max retirement but Max and RBR have had an unbelievable run of good luck while all the other manufacturers didn't, so what goes around comes around. Not sure about the penalty on Fred, I don't think he did something intentionally dangerous, and I do think he knew if he kept doing the same thing then Russell was going to have an excellent chance to pass.
  7. Pretty sure everyone knows this. The joke is, the ags are beating their chests and crowing like they pulled off some major coup, but in reality Trev hasn't accomplished... well... anything, since he became the AD at Nebraska. Their volleyball team was nationally elite long before Trev became AD, and their football team remains the butt of many national jokes.
  8. The 1971 Indy 500, which had many interesting things going on but is most famous for the pace car careening down pit road and crashing into a photographer stand. Happens around 9:20 in the broadcast.
  9. One of the craziest races ever, the 1984 Formula 1 Dallas Grand Prix. The track ran through Fair Park in Dallas, right around the Cotton Bowl for a portion of it. The race ran on July 8th, and the ambient temperature was something like 103 degreesF. Seriously, when you have the chance, take the time to watch this all the way through--I can't even begin to describe all the crazy stuff that happened. It doesn't want to embed, so here's the URL: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8mf3nx
  10. Anyway, the public/private sector discussion is a red herring, it really doesn't have anything to do with the subject at hand. The FACTS are, that we know that an increasing percentage of the population is unhappy enough to answer as such in surveys. And we know that the negative responses disproportionately skew to those under 30. Beyond that, this thread has really been nothing more than speculation as to why. There's some plausible speculation, and some stupid-as-shit speculation, and some insensitive "don't care got mine" responses as well. What I'd be most interested in finding, is WHY those who responded as unhappy, did so. I'd like to find it out directly from the original set of respondents. And I'd also be interested to view similar past surveys over time, of the same age ranges, to see what the trends look like for those age ranges, over, say, the past 60-80 years. As a solid GenXer, I can say that plenty of my peers had some fairly negative views of their surroundings, from ages 18-30. In some ways it was expected or even fashionable to behave so-- youthful rebellion, young-person's angst, and all that. But as I, and my peers, have become older, and gained perspective,, and learned how to live a contented life, much of that angst and fear and anger, have faded and been replaced by happier feelings. This is only anecdotal of course, but that's my own experience. That's why I'd be interested to see the trends over time, from generation to generation, of such a survey.
  11. And it's been successfully redirected by the usual political suspects as well.
  12. I don't watch UFC or whatever he does, and didn't really know anything about McGregor, so had no expectations, bad or good.
  13. 0.07" at my house for the past week, but congrats to those who got some. We all need it.
  14. Well at least there was no sports media coverage of F1 in the USA, to spoil it for you, until you finally managed to watch it. Oh wait, there STILL isn't... They also occasionally had F1 on ABC's Wide World of Sports. That's how I first started watching it in the early 80s.
  15. Watched it last night. Agree with both thoughts-- it was actually okay, it wasn't terrible, but McGregor was.
  16. I absolutely love the "new" DPS policy of making appointments. Sure they can book up well ahead of time, but if embracing that discipline of scheduling early, means I'm not waiting hours upon hours in a Beetlejuice-like hellscape of first-come first-served, then I'm completely down for it. And the people I've interacted with have been quite lovely ever since the transition.
  17. Mr. McKittrick, after very careful consideration, sir, I've come to the conclusion that your new El Nino sucks.
  18. Chronic...cles of Narnia wasn't bad either.
  19. I'm just pulling my kids out of school all day on Monday. I think it's a worthwhile tradeoff.
  20. I've tried almost everything over the last 2 years and in my experience DTV Streaming and YouTubeTV are the best for F1 coverage, and pretty much most sports coverage in general. DTV Stream has LHN, and YouTubeTV does not, but that's about to become meaningless. I dropped my Spectrum TV streaming package, which unbundled me and drove up the price of my Internet access. Overall, putting YouTubeTV on top of the new higher-cost Spectrum internet, ends up being a bit more expensive than the previous Spectrum internet/Spectrum streaming TV bundle, but the increased quality and quantity of offerings on YouTubeTV is enough to make me feel like it's worth it. For now, anyway. I'm sure it will all change again in a few months or a year.
  21. If people are getting the simple message "Paul is bad" from the movie, or the book, then they've missed the actual message as badly as you possibly can.
  22. I'm not making any value judgment on the various responses by local/county/state actors, I'm just pointing out that THOSE are the appropriate levels of government to consider, when discussing the length of time any particular group of students stayed out of full in-person schooling. THOSE were the people making the decisions. Not the president, not the CDC, not Congress. I'm keeping all of my commentary strictly within the context of this thread, which is "Kids' happiness" and not other issues related to the pandemic and any entities' responses to it. In Leander ISD, my kids were only out from mid-March 2020 thru mid-September 2020. It wasn't two years, it wasn't 18 months, it wasn't even one year, it was only 6 months. However, that 6 months made an incredible impact to my then-6th-grade daughter. I saw her turn from a bright, cheerful, outgoing, deeply happy child who excelled in all of her classes and never once thought about NOT turning in an assignment on time, into a withdrawn, timid, introverted, morose, ghost of a teenager who lost track of all sense of responsibility and normalcy. It took her almost two years to re-form good school habits and re-engage with her friends. She's now thriving, a straight A+ student with tons of friends and tons of activities, but even those 6 months set her back potentially years. So people who are debating the 6 months versus 2 years or whatever, are completely missing the point. It's much less amount the DURATION of the event and more about the total psychological trauma induced by the event itself.
  23. Far be it from me to dissuade a good president-bashing, but municipal and state response had far more to do with how long kids stayed out of school, and when they returned, and how things were managed in-between, than anything at the Federal level.
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