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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. I've only lived here for 18 years, so I still haven't gotten a compliment yet. We've had a couple of Blackstacks at recent happy hours, although I can't recall what they were without looking them up on Untappd. But I didn't find any of them particularly memorable, which is mostly a clue that I may taste beers too indiscriminately at times. Furious is one I do favor -- the whole group does -- along with pretty much anything I've had from Toppling Goliath. That's much more helpful than what the AI gave me -- thanks for both posts of insight. Apparently the bot only visited the Great Lakes website and left it at that.
  2. That was Faulknerian. Except the part about the Colgate.
  3. Who's Tent? Why are you all up in Tent's shit? All this was not my intent.
  4. When shit's getting intense, it's probably de' railing by d' shits that makes it that way. Judy's confirmed this.
  5. Shits, getting intense, amiright?
  6. Damnit, I already fell for that once.
  7. I love IPAs but haven't really reached the point of being able to properly distinguish among/articulate the points of different sub-styles. So what's your understanding of what a Midwest IPA is -- more malt, perhaps, or different malt? The AI gives me a superficial and perhaps incorrect summary and I don't feel like talking to it any more. You seem to know your stuff (and not just username checks out and all). I'm trying to get a little further down that road but am not too far yet. I'm not even sure the photo does the beer justice in the first place. It was in my neighbor's man cave during our Sunday happy hour, a proper midwestern basement on a snowy and ill-lit day. Think I'll go see what Karben⁴ says about it, if anything.
  8. What @Derka said. He knows. Hell, we all know. Not just all these Surly folks, but every iteration of every poster who's ever been on all the Texas boards that led to this one ... sometimes flawed, but always funny, profane, human, smart as hell, accomplished, tough. Longhorns. Hook 'em, @ztejas.
  9. Shows up right away for me on ESPN app on my desktop. Also on the ESPN app on the NVIDIA Pro on my living room TV -- first time in a couple of weeks that it's worked that way (meaning properly). Still puzzled that it doesn't show up on YouTube TV on the NVIDIA, even though when I stream through ESPN, it shows the YTTV logo on the screen. Apparently SECN+ or somebody is starting to work out some of the necessary coordination. Just happy to see the game without having to work at it for 15 minutes. Chained to the desktop for now but nice to see the game when I walk from the office to the kitchen, too.
  10. That's tragic. Very sorry to hear that. My wife is a Tica and part of our honeymoon, long ago, was spent at Sí Como No in Quepos. Another portion was at Villa Caletas outside Jacó, where we had stopped for ceviche before proceeding to the hotel. The ceviche apparently was what kept me looking at a spectacular view of the Gulf of Nicoya from bed for far too long and for all the wrong reasons.
  11. The Bowie association is a little less clear, based on what that article says, but I'm going to look into it a little more -- partly because one of my students just chose "Space Oddity" as a song to analyze for relationships to some of the textbook principles in our communication class, and we're going to talk about it. Coincidentally, I was in a music studio in Australia with another class the day after Bowie died, and the studio director played "Space Oddity" on high volume with studio-quality speakers as a tribute to open our session. That was powerful. (Another aside: it was the studio where "Under the Milky Way," another '80s great, was recorded, and hearing that at the same volume, in the place where it was mixed by the guys who mixed it, was an incredible experience.) But yeah, "Major Tom" and the side story are badass. Even in German, the song is more than catchy for non-German speakers. The English version falls only a touch short and apparently it was peaking on the charts around the time Rick McIvor was taking the Aggies apart in 1983 (a game I listened to on AFN).
  12. You probably knew this, @Mittens, but I did not know that "Major Tom" had become the unofficial goal-scoring anthem for the German national team (learned this watching a replay of Sunday's Italy matchup in the Nations League quarterfinal), nor that there was a really strong Stuttgart tie. (from The Athletic -- if anyone wants the whole thing, I can post.) No idea that Peter Schilling was offered a contract by VfB Stuttgart and turned it down to follow his musical dream. Nor this from 2024: And there's a further Stuttgart tie in that Mittelstädt scored the goal when they first played it. Adidas apparently had as much to do with this as anything. The company's "Typisch Deutsch" campaign is a blast. The song was a hit when I was a student in Mainz. It's part of my German playlist, and the football tie and the story behind that make it so much more cool. Man, what a great song.
  13. Well, just to be clear, I was attempting (regardless of how successful I may not have been) to make a Big Balls joke to lower the intensity level rather than raise it. And to help establish my nonpartisan bona fides, I hereby nominate CDC as King of the World. He will provide both excellent entertainment value and economic boom times for all -- meanwhile maintaining a relatively low-key and dignified example for everyone to live by. Also, fuck OU. The King would probably let them stay in our orbit, but if he said "no," I'd be OK with that, too.
  14. True. And maybe they'll even let him take over all the research grants, which would be tremendous for graduate transfers and probably help us get rid of some cockroaches both in and outside of the state.
  15. Well, to be fair, the unfortunate coincidence with the Centers for Disease Control acronym does bring back painful memories of what his job had to be when he got here ... and maybe still is on occasion. But, yeah, as long as we are able to keep him safe from Big Balls and the other carried-away-with-slashing-and-burning DOGE boys -- no Cloak Room -- we should stick with CDC.
  16. I figured it was probably a very low risk, but fired from the hip on my answer anyway and told my wife it couldn't go bad. Shoot first, research later. This syrup was homemade, from some neighbors of rural Wisconsin friends. But now I can give my wife the definitive Captain Ron answer. I may just say that for lots of stuff from now on; it sounds pretty authoritative to me. "Because Captain Ron says -- that's why."
  17. Fantasy Factory IPA, Karben⁴ Brewing, Madison. Better than a cat and a unicorn on the label would lead a drinker to expect.
  18. I've just decided I need to start 10-15 minutes early if I want to see the start of a game. SECN is up there with the loss of regional rivalries as reasons to dislike the new world order. But the competition level of SEC baseball and softball are definitely on the plus side ... man, having Mississippi State and LSU as our first two conference series is pretty awesome and makes the loss of Texas rivals and OSU a wash. Definitely not missing K-State and KU in comparison, at least in baseball.
  19. It's really crap. I readily found the game today on the ESPN app that's on my NVIDIA Shield Pro (connected to living room TV), but I've had all sorts of trouble over the last couple of weeks with both UT baseball and softball. Have had to hop around between Disney+, ESPN, YTTV, scan codes and enter passwords and more codes ... often to no avail. Maddening. Currently working on my desktop in the home office, and the only way I could find the baseball game -- despite having both the ESPN and YouTube desktop apps -- was to go to texassports.com and just click on "video" under the game listing for today. That seems to communicate perfectly with ESPN/SECN+ on my desktop. But I hate that I can't access any of the standard YTTV functionality for recording, FF/RW and whatnot. Conclusion: ESPN/+/SECN+ suck aggy balls, if there is such a thing. But at least we just scored.
  20. Wife just asked if maple syrup goes bad. I've never had it around that long, especially when the kids were growing up. But now we've got some that was gifted to us and it's been around a while, so I decided it wouldn't be bad to research a little in case some spoiled maple syrup could keep me from ever seeing retirement. So we haven't seen mold growing on it, meaning we won't have to strain, boil and merrily pour onto the pancakes ... just merrily pour for the time being. But I've realized, as always, that everything is my fault for not taking control of my own life. Both wife and daughter make pancakes that are too substantial and generally healthy for me to enjoy them much anymore. Need to make my own damn fluffy pancakes so I can properly enjoy maple syrup and not have to worry about a miserable food-poisoning death. Just a heart attack. With bacon.
  21. Eh ... team results just got posted. U. of Minnesota light ROTC -- there are heavy ruck and light ruck categories -- finished the marathon in second for the second consecutive year with a team time of 4 hours, 27 minutes, 33 seconds. They beat NMSU (4:58:47), which takes this stuff pretty seriously as the home team. But ... and I haven't heard from our son yet, so I don't know how the guys on the team are dealing with this ... they lost to Clemson by about nine minutes. And not just Clemson, but a team of female ROTC cadets. One of whom is named ... I kid y'all not ... Shay Studley. Congrats to those women! They are going to have a hell of a party to celebrate this, I'd bet.
  22. Lot of great marches in Europe. Never did one myself, but during my last period over there as a student, I took advantage of the great Wanderwege whenever I could, especially when I was in the Odenwald for about six weeks. Done working for the day. Did lots of screen refreshing looking for Baatan results, but it's been only some individual results and none of the team stuff for quite a while. Time for lunch and finding the Horns playing softball. Gotta wait until next Sunday for Mainz, and definitely pulling for Stuttgart against Eintracht in the Saturday late game.
  23. Terrible weekend for the international break. Unless the Horns can show a little more against LSU today, it seems like slim pickings for sports viewing. The early NCAA exit killed my interest in the tourney. I'll watch the women's softball and basketball for a bit, but don't expect much competition in those, so it's mostly Bundesliga withdrawal symptoms for the day. Like the caffeine headaches I get when I cut out the morning joe for three days before a long driving trip. In keeping with the military theme while waiting for football to return: our son should be about 45 minutes into the Baatan Memorial Death March in New Mexico by now. We wanted to be in White Sands for that but it just didn't work out. He's competing for his second year with the University of Minnesota ROTC team, which is gunning for NMSU, winners of the collegiate ROTC division by about a minute last year over the Gophers. Team marathon in which everyone must cross the line together.
  24. The coaching death watches for our big three men's sports and the more visible women's sports are always brutal to observe, but it's tough to look away. I logged on this morning hoping the firing was done, because it seems inevitable. Texas coaches, despite their apparent flaws, are generally very fine people or they wouldn't have been hired. It's unfortunate that social media allow the worst of our collective habits to be magnified. That's the main reason I have taken voluntary leave from UT boards several times over the years. Most of the teens and early '20s has seemed like a beating. But at least with Surly there are drinking, travel and music threads to hang out on. Think I'll retreat to those for a couple of weeks, but all in all, it's a better time to be a Horns fan than it was not too long ago. Thanks, RT, and hook 'em!
  25. Finally got it on the app through my NVIDIA Pro on the living room TV, but it took several tries, unrecognized (but good) passwords, and various other steps. I was able to avoid having to watch the end of the softball game, but missed the entire first inning. Pretty sorry integration of ESPN/SEC+/everything else.
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