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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. If we're being honest, it's a hijack of a hijack, so a double negative. Technically not a hijack at all. Between the lines, though, and after seeing your earlier anti-bottle stance, I perceive a subtle message here. It's "Water bottles? Armybrat don't need no stinkin' water bottles." 😁
  2. That's because you've got Gus' sense of humor. I don't think Gus would ever refer to himself in the third person like you used to always do, at least as I recall ... but then again, I'm older than a Texas Ranger, so maybe I'm not remembering correctly.
  3. That's like saying all asses are the same. Your avatar puts the lie to that.
  4. Not sure about that. I think it's important to the majority of Texas fans, and I think a lot of other fans across the country admire the way Texas does business. Those fans aren't the loudmouths on the Finebaum Show. Taking the high road most of the time makes it easier for outsiders to nod their heads when you jump down into the ditch every now and then. Texas is Woodrow Call. The rest of the country is looking on like the townspeople in that scene.
  5. Texas 45 direct hits Vandy b-0-ttled up 317 passing
  6. Conflicted. I've always been part of the "We're Texas -- act like you've been here before" crowd. That was my first reaction. I also think Hartzell's letter is spot on. At the same time ... When the officials gathered and reversed the call, I felt a little something that surprised the hell out of me because I recognized that I'm not supposed to feel it. It was a good bit of pride and awe. Not excusing the behavior. Don't think it should happen again. But I feel what I feel. Texas Fight, baby.
  7. That would be the beginning of the end of Surly. Troll or not, the responses are part of our group therapy. At least for me, but in another hour it's beer-on-the-patio time, and I found some of this in our Yankee grocery store last week. I'll step away when I crack one open:
  8. We lost to OU my freshman year and I was irrationally disturbed about it for an entire week. I've finally reached the point of being able to move on from a bummer like last night with a hat tip to the winners where necessary. Not gonna let it ruin my Sunday afternoon happy-hour beers with my buddies. But the though of Kirby as a politician is another thing altogether. Might need some stronger stuff today.
  9. Here's the help you need, Humphead. Sorry about the meth problem.
  10. Say what you want about his dickheadedness, but Smart had that team fired up and Texas couldn't stop them in the first half. The Horns probably learned a good lesson for the next round ... and for next week. My take on his dickheadedness: Let he whose players are without multiple felonies and targeting ejections cast the first life-threatening plastic bottle.
  11. Bump
  12. Seems to be originally from Columbia, SC, and maybe attended grad school there. A few Facebook pics of him in A&M gear from what probably would have been his undergrad era. Looks like he also worked for a campus-centered Christian network if everything is accurate. But there's just enough to make it look convincing and not enough consistent, long-term record to make me fully buy in. So I'm leaning this way: 51 percent real, 49 percent troll. But 110 percent entertaining.
  13. I hadn't seen that either, so I finally followed up a little and looked him up on Facebook, too. Found this, but maybe someone also posted it as well. Sorry not sorry if anyone else has already seen it.
  14. I don't think we should use him as a decoy if we're going to be running our ducks offense.
  15. Just blocked a punt and returned it for a TD against A.H. Parker of Birmingham on ESPN2.
  16. A later shot of horns-down dad and blond mom showed them sitting next to a guy in an aggy cap. Rent-free at the LLWS, but it's a little more cringey, given the circumstances.
  17. Can't see a team with four losses in the regular season making the top-12 playoff. Final AP rankings last season (after bowls) had no teams with four losses in the top 15. Only four teams in the last decade have been included in the post-bowl top 12 with four losses, including 2018 Texas at 9-4 (ranked No. 9 after the Georgia Sugar Bowl). Human judges are rarely impressed when there are that many losses. https://maaw.info/GadgetsandGames/APFinalFootballRankings.htm#google_vignette Florida making it is conceivable if the other teams on their schedule -- the likely wins listed by Wulaw -- overperform as a group. But that seems unlikely.
  18. I've read various articles (often not well sourced) that drew differing conclusions about which university has the most student-athletes or former student-athletes in these Olympics. Finally did some searching and ran across this link from NCAA.com that seems the most comprehensive. It does count individuals like former Texas women's basketball player Lauren Ebo as being at three schools -- Penn State, Texas, and finally Notre Dame (where she graduated). Doesn't include coaches, though, so Ivey and others aren't in it -- just athletes competing in the games. https://www.ncaa.org/sports/2024/7/16/olympics-ncaa-student-athletes-competing-at-the-2024-summer-olympic-games.aspx
  19. Thanks for that. Getting harder to find this history (thanks, AI!). Here's an additional video link, and the discussion below it is good (includes showing where it happened -- in the 40th minute). https://www.reddit.com/r/LonghornNation/comments/xito2m/the_mike_davis_penalty_that_started_the_hornsdown/
  20. Visor girl will never get old. But in fairness to Red Five, the threads used to be a better mix of information and beautiful women, and Red's comment seemed more wistful regret than complaint -- an observation on a change in the board. IMO, the distinction is important enough to warrant a pass. I'm speaking as a guy who's been on hiatus from posting for a long time and couldn't find my old password, so reclaimed a user name that I started using several boards back. I'll also say that the quality and range of the babe pictures never takes a step backward.
  21. You forgot Matt McConaughey and the Bollywood dance meme, among other standards. But the boobs usually make it bearable for a second or two.
  22. Maybe I'm a little slow today, but it seems like "mokusatzu" didn't work out so well for the Japanese if Hiroshima and Nagasaki followed immediately afterwards.
  23. Sounds right that it was the head they found at the 7-11, and maybe another body part. It was the wife of a Fort Hood soldier. He murdered her, chopped her up and then threw parts of her in various dumpsters between Killeen and Austin. A buddy of mine was the guy's commanding officer, so he told me much of the story that never got published, including that they had a hard time pinning evidence on the guy because he did such a detailed job of cleaning up after the murder. Apparently he was scrubbing between floor tiles with a toothbrush, bleaching everything ... the military and civilian police had to pretty much take apart the mobile home the couple had been living in to find where some of the blood had ended up. Weirdest part of the story for me was that I had been in Austin the day she was found. I was walking by the 7-11 and tossed some trash in that very dumpster. Got back home to Killeen, where I was a reporter, and saw a story about someone who was dumpster diving and found the head. Whoever found her must have done so not long after I walked by.
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