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Posts posted by Honeysucklerose


    I haven't seen you around here much, and there is probably a reason. You are a moron.


    Cole didn’t pitch today. That means he rested today. That means he had an extra two days rest over JV.


    Or one day if you are talking 3 days between starts vs 4.

  2. Game 2 Cole. 3 and 4, these abortions. 5 Cole again.

    Cole will have exactly one more day rest than JV had. Tomorrow's travel day. They both had the first travel day. 

    And Cole had his highest pitch count ever. Again I hope he is up to the task, but y'all act like it's a given. And y'all were the same people that thought tonight was a given.


    I haven't seen you around here much, and there is probably a reason. You are a moron.


    Cole didn’t pitch today. That means he rested today. That means he had an extra two days rest over JV.

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