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lucious leftfoot

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Everything posted by lucious leftfoot

  1. Most of these people don't want to go back to before civil rights or gay marriage. That's bs. Maybe they just prefer the country how it was in the recent past. Progressives are very open about wanting to change and make drastic change to this country. And they dominate the administrative state. Maybe they've seen a senile, frail man as President and realize he's not even running things. So who is? No one that's been elected. There is a massive deep state/adminstrative state/bureaucracy that essentially runs public policy and anyone on the Right that pays any attention has to realize they have almost representation in that. I think the CR crew should really think about that last point. Imagine if the right controlled 90% of the bureaucracy and used it to push around the other side at all levels? Would you be surprised if people became apathetic, or worse, towards that system? Shit, look how y'all act towards the Supreme Court? And that's only a 6-3 split, not 90-10. Anyway, my time is almost past. I won’t be able to respond, but be assured that all your arguments are worthless and weak. Vaya con Dios, CR.
  2. Thank you for bringing this back to the most important point. It's white people's fault.
  3. This is the quote "Our Catholic faith has always been countercultural. Our Lord, along with countless followers, were all put to death for their adherence to her teachings. The world around us says that we should keep our beliefs to ourselves whenever they go against the tyranny of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We fear speaking truth, because now, unfortunately, truth is in the minority. Congress just passed a bill where stating something as basic as the biblical teaching of who killed Jesus could land you in jail." Meh. Have you read the speech? Pretty standard traditional Catholic stuff. My grandpa would've loved it. He mostly complains about how the Catholic Church itself has lost its way. He loves the Latin mass. He mentions the hypocrisy of Biden being a pro choice Catholic and speaks against the Covid lockdowns, otherwise steers clear of explicit political topics.
  4. You're right. I think the hypothesis that candidates with subpar grades and test scores end up more likely produce subpar test scores needs to be further examined before it can be validated. I wonder how much money one could for a grant to “study” that?
  5. The story is the DEI Dean and their policies bringing down competencies of Med School graduates. Here's someone else from the Free Beacon discussing it. Hope that helps you get past the messenger and actually look at the results of these policies taken to an extreme. Or, put another way.
  6. I didn't see another Education/DEI thread Many such cases. Thread goes on awhile for some embarrassing anecdotes.
  7. “Chokepoint Marty” gone. A big shake up happening in financial regulation.
  8. I agree that increased cohesion is a positive, but I think that the continent’s industrial and economic workhorse taking a permanent hit cannot be discounted. One of Germany’s bigger economic advantages was easy access cheap Russian gas. You can definitely argue that it needed to happen and/or it was inevitable, but switching to higher priced energy inputs is consequential and the data is bearing that out. I worry about the consequences of any sort of Western deindustrialization over the medium to long term. Hello, Rust Belt. Historical powers are powers for multiple reasons as are historical doormats. Geography, access to natural resources, human capital. I wouldn't expect Poland to suddenly to be some juggernaut. Germany, France and UK need to figure the shit out. Especially France. They're probably #2 right now as far as projecting power globally. Nonsense.
  9. You're free to post whatever terrible pics you want for shock value. I feel a better way to have the tragedy hit home is watching some of these tribute videos. Very well done. Extremely dusty. https://fb.watch/sedJ_bnaRH/?mibextid=v7YzmG
  10. What's stopping you? It would get big publicity. You could go on news and hammer home how important it is that people see this.
  11. Agree to disagree. I don't think anyone here is surprised by what it looks like and it's highly doubtful it changes anyone's opinion on what happened. I just think it's in poor taste to post murder crime scene photos. I'm sure some of the victim's families would be fine with it, and I'm sure others would rather it not be out there.
  12. The Uvalde newspaper has done a good job with remembrances and interviews. The videos are posted with the families that wanted to participate on their Facebook page.
  13. China + USA are the winners Europe to some extent a loser Russia big loser Ukraine rekt
  14. Great commercial. Got a little misty
  15. This is interesting. Biden has already threatened to veto this resolution. In spite of that, 10Ds including Chuck Schumer voted in favor. Sen Lummis 1 Sen Karen 0
  16. Your problem is that to whatever extent these things exist, politicians are not willing to address them because they either benefit from them directly or are afraid of political blowback. So you're left with broadly raising taxes. Politicians want to do that less than ever it seems. This is partially due to the belief that we can just print the money becoming more pervasive, imo. We've gone over the math here. Hitting the rough historical ceiling on tax collection means $500B revs. Leaves $1.2T deficit still per annum. So where are the cuts? It's all a tired argument. Elevated inflation over the medium to long term is best case scenario. Losing reserve currency status or otherwise somehow upending the dollar based system is worst case.
  17. I wasn't asking about defaulting on the debt or any of the political games around the debt ceiling. I'll rephrase the question. Do you see any potential negative consequences related to our current debt and/or deficit levels?
  18. Is there any debt or deficit level that concerns you?
  19. She goes through childhood memories, including showers with her dad that were “probably not appropriate”
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