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Everything posted by HRSchenker

  1. SEC Network has the broadcast with Craig Way on the call. Much better than Chris and Kirk
  2. Don't kid yourself, this is all about money. Radio is a shit business.
  3. Damn maybe I should stop complaining about my plan. I pay $350 a month and my deductible is $600 with a max OOP of $9k. $30 copay to see my PCP, $50 for a specialist, and $500 copay for an ER visit. No access to an HSA.
  4. Houston DA Sean Teare isn't an active member of the State Bar of Texas. I thought you had to be an active member to serve as a district attorney. Don't have a dog in this fight but thought it was interesting. https://www.texasbar.com/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Find_A_Lawyer&template=/Customsource/MemberDirectory/MemberDirectoryDetail.cfm&ContactID=290994
  5. I have a great premise for a show on FOX: a Cowboys fan who loses his memory of this entire fucking season.
  6. That and family history are probably good reasons to get one done moving forward. Assuming your blood work is good and you didn't have any major blood loss you shouldn't expect too much of a difference in fasting glucose vs A1C (not comparing numbers, I mean good result vs bad result). All A1C does is take a snapshot of your average levels over 90 days. It's always possible that your postprandial glucose (the blood level after you eat) could be higher than normal while having a regular fasting level so if you're trying to get ahead of anything potentially down the line then yeah get it done.
  7. No fasting glucose? A1C is only needed to establish baseline of a new pt or if fasting glucose is out of whack.
  8. 0:26 is such an underrated moment. I've probably posted this before but it's worth mentioning again. Very rarely in life do you achieve something incredible that will talked about generation after generation and know it in the moment. That slow walk back to the sideline as he carries the burden of every Texas fan for the last 30 years. Heavy lies the crown sort of thing. Truly incredible.
  9. Quinn's Texas career cannot end like this
  10. It clearly was not targeting. I mean come on if that's targeting then any tackle of that WR is targeting. Can't give him a free pass. That's called football.
  11. 17-8 has to be scorigami on the college level
  12. Yeah but I don't think they're making bombs and setting them up around churches
  13. FBI is saying multiple IEDs found in the french quarter. Holy shit so this can't be a lone wolf thing.
  14. Not sure what to think about their RB. Is he good because of talent or weak competition? If Texas shuts him down and makes their dopey QB throw the ball then the game is fucking over. Texas 31 Arizona State 10 199 rushing yards
  15. Bringing Mack back into the program only seems like a good idea to me IF he becomes a money man. He's already made it clear that he doesn't like the players getting paid situation and why he wanted to get out of coaching. What is the benefit to the program if he's not going to help tackle the biggest issue facing the sport? I don't see it.
  16. I'm heading out to Steamboat at the end of January. Gonna try for more than 3 runs down the mountain this time. Been doing strength training with my core and legs. My body is ready.
  17. Cowboys are looking great today. Really happy with how the defense is playing especially after they gave up a perfect dime TD pass from a third string QB who only won 6 games in 2 seasons at Stanford. Outstanding! Keep up the great work, Jerry. I liked those 3 Super Bowls! I liked them very much!
  18. Why would this result in a class action suit? I mean, it certainly wouldn't be successful. Honey's business model is exactly the same as GoodRx except businesses actually pay GoodRx for the privilege of using the service. Honey ain't free. GoodRx ain't free. Someone is paying. Those primetime ads for a browser extension weren't funded by a nonprofit puppy rescue firm.
  19. I'm thinking about put options on Block Inc (SQ). So many of my favorite restaurants and businesses are dropping Square in favor of Toast. Not sure why but so many making the move has me skeptical.
  20. The amount of disdain I have for that man is immeasurable. Arrogant, rude, entitled, etc. This motherfucker thinks his shit doesn't stink and that he's the best thing to happen to alcohol since the 21st amendment. You're looking at the face of a man who singlehandedly ruined the DFW bourbon market. Fuck Tilted Bottle.
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