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Everything posted by HRSchenker

  1. "Is Texas back or is Oklahoma gone?"
  2. How do you not fire Brent Venables after this game? If this was Mack Brown we'd be holding Sally hostage
  3. Beville is just trying to avoid heat stroke out there. Not even trying
  4. I need Texas to score again! I bet the family farm on Texas -43!
  5. Lmao @ the University of Tulsa advertising during this game. It's almost like they knew this would happen
  6. I'd love to hit 50 but keeping them at 0 is fine with me
  7. Drive on Haskell like @mdmost said or just take DART. My last RRS I took DART from Mockingbird station straight to fair park. Toughest part was getting on the train back to Mockingbird but at least I wasn't sweating about making it to the stadium on time.
  8. That leaked audio of you with those political operatives about the homeless issue was pretty sad even though I'm glad yall passed it. Why do you let a grown ass man talk to you like that?
  9. I boycotted survivor last season after that disastrous first episode where Jackson was pulled. Is it worth picking back up?
  10. Mike nailed it. My wife and I eloped so our families were pissed. But they eventually got over it and the money we would have spent on a wedding got us a honeymoon in Tokyo.
  11. The best RRS games to bet on usually involve OU being the favorite. 2013 comes to mind and if you followed the line all week you knew how Vegas really felt about the game. Anything more than 5 I won't touch the spread. Give me the moneyline, baby.
  12. bUt We HaD a PlAyErS oNlY mEeTiNg OmG dA aGgIeS aNd SoOnErS aRe eLiTe
  13. It's almost impossible to stop without inviting a potential lawsuit. Businesses aren't allowed to ask for proof. We're pretty much limited to asking them about the disability the dog is trained to assist and any reasonable answer makes them untouchable.
  14. Will there be a livestream of the debate tonight? I'm looking at YTTV and it's nowhere to be found
  15. https://twitter.com/theoldgreywolf/status/1575523597644439558?t=YiBtl5RkFskcmhZ_jAp-qw&s=19
  16. https://twitter.com/jennifersterger/status/1569831024212983810?t=DUrBe057hDWiZAMiJ8enJg&s=19
  17. Seattle's ballpark has the best food. I wish we had just a little bit of this in Arlington
  18. I'm loyal to the musers and the hang zone but I won't leave the hardline for B&S even though I think Bob sucks ass
  19. Poor Mike is about to understand what "we can do what they do but they can't do what we do" really means.
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