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Everything posted by HRSchenker

  1. Why does the field turf look like shit? NFL teams play on that?!
  2. Season 5 is the last season where every single episode is incredible IMO. The first five seasons are all classics. Season 6 is the worst season in show history (I don't count the Christmas episode as part of season 6 because it debuted as a special during season 5). The show just feels different now.
  3. We have a vaccine and it does a damn good job. You don't have to get it despite all of the evidence in NEJM and anecdotes from your local health system that it's saving lives. But don't act like the mask debate is legitimate while we have something proven on the market. I trust the vaccine.
  4. Lots of contraindications for vaccines that prevent a wide range of illnesses. I expect you to be wearing a mask for the rest of your life. Nothing wrong with that. But we've been in the condition of being able to spread deadly illnesses despite vaccination to patients with contraindications since I've been born. COVID hasn't changed the rules but has made the game deadlier.
  5. The mask vs no mask debate seems irrelevant at this point. I don't wear one unless I'm at a business that requires one but I'm a huge believer in the science of the vaccine. At some point we need to acknowledge that the pandemic is over and the real crisis is people dying from misinformation.
  6. OU is about to enter their own Charlie Strong era and I love it
  7. I'm just not convinced that the playoff needs to be expanded. For what purpose? We already have conference championship games. What reason does Georgia really have as a qualification for the playoff? Yeah they're a good team but the question of whether or not they're better than Alabama was already settled on the field. What I think needs to happen is to restore the meaning of conference championship games. The teams that should be first considered for the playoff should be conferences champs and independents (let the committee sort it out). Or just say fuck the playoff and pick the top two after bowl season.
  8. Everyone will love playoff expansion until Alabama and Georgia make the championship game.....again.
  9. NIL eventually has to play a role in all of this and I think for the benefit of smaller programs. I'm just trying to imagine myself as an 18 year old star athlete. Would I want to go to a big school like Texas or Alabama and share the spotlight with other stars? Or would I be better off going to a smaller program that rarely sees success like Central Michigan or Texas A&M? I would be a big fish in a little pond and go down as a legend for bringing the program to the big boy playoff. College football just needs a commissioner.
  10. The Red River Shootout is my national championship game as far as I'm concerned. I don't give a fuck about Nick Satan or Kirby Dumb. If we're not wearing the golden hat in October you might as well cancel the goddamn season
  11. This is probably a good question for @UTPhil2006but I'm in a similar boat. Right now the rental market for a home my size will probably net me $200-300 a month in cash flow. My question is about buying another home while dealing with this current one. Wife and I want to move out of suburbia but I have no idea what the process is like getting a mortgage on a second home while renting out the first one. I could sell the first one and pocket $150k but I'd rather let the property appreciate with the surrounding area and cash in later rather than take it now. Will I have to put down 20% for the new house or something? Higher interest rate?
  12. If anything, it solves a problem that we as a country have created as policy. We have fundamentally changed the way health insurance companies operate as compared with every other insurance provider.
  13. I have a Honeywell thermostat with a touchscreen that has gone to shit. Half the screen works so all I can do is switch from hot or cold air. Can't reset the filter alarm or adjust the temps. Eventually this piece of shit will totally go out. Is replacing this with the exact same model just a simple plug and play? I've heard about amateur installation ruining the warranty on systems but I'm not rewiring anything, just replacing the thermostat with a new one in the same model. Do I dare?
  14. So he can do that against Hudson Card but not Quinn Ewers? Sorry just don't buy it.
  15. Honestly it's amusing to me. All I heard last season was how Casey was program first and wanted to compete for the starting job no matter what.
  16. Damn. His birthday was coming up on Sunday. But with his permission, John was a legend at the pit. He had his flaws for sure but the man knew how to cook.
  17. Every time I hear about someone being sedated I can only think of Robert Shapiro talking about what OJ did the day before he fled in the bronco
  18. I haven't been skiing in a few years so my memory of equipment needed has faded. Do yall recommend ski pants only or the ski pants with straps that go over the shoulder like overalls? I probably sound like a dumbass for wording it like that but whatever
  19. I thought Heather was a goat but after watching some of the post show interviews and reading what contestants have posted on Twitter, Heather was a very dominant player who got a terrible edit. Xander brings her to the final 3 and he still doesn't get any votes.
  20. How do you know the Dallas real estate market is on fire? People are buying homes in conservation districts without even knowing! https://lakewood.advocatemag.com/kerry-johnson/ You're not as private online as you think you are when your name and address are tied together. OSINT is real and dangerous.
  21. I hate it when you drop a piece of paper and someone offers to pick it up while bending or folding the paper. It's so fucking rude! Am I the only one who doesn't like needless bends and folds on paper?
  22. https://youtu.be/d24ZpzoZkQE?t=23
  23. Well, here ya go. California set to ban all "assault weapons" using the Texas abortion bounty scheme https://twitter.com/CAgovernor/status/1469865007517089798
  24. We're living in the best period of American history. Right now is the best time to crank out some children. I don't understand the doom and gloom.
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