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Everything posted by HRSchenker

  1. Bro just got clowned by a girl at throwing footballs
  2. Christian is MURDERING this guy
  3. ESPN guy got something really wrong about her bio lmao
  4. Colleen has a fucking attitude
  5. It needs to be repeated: a move to Schedule 3 is not legalization. It will treat marijuana no differently than testosterone oil, tramadol, and other controlled substances. Will this mean weed shops are shut down and marijuana is effectively moved to pharmacies? Here in Texas you can't dispense a schedule 3 med without a prescription from a licensed pharmacy. I'm excited to expand the compounds I can offer patients if this happens but I'll be pissed if the local smoke shop can do it too.
  6. Gotta get that kid in the portal for next season. I wanna hear Craig Way yell Skettebo at the top of his lungs
  7. Zey didn't let me leeeave on my terms!
  8. Went to eat at one of my favorite Dallas restaurants and the guy at the front asked me "can I help you?" in the most abrasive tone possible. I told him "table for 2" and he responded "2 what?". "2 people....for here". "We don't have a server with a name that sounds like that". Someone had to shake him out of the trance he was in so he could realize I was asking for a table for 2 so we could eat at the fucking restaurant. He walks us to the table and continued on saying "ohhhh I thought you were looking for a table with a specific server". I just stared at him. No reaction. This is the same guy who mocked me last Christmas for spelling my wife's name after he kept asking me over and over what I said. "Yeah buddy I can spell". Well obviously not if you're having to ask me over and over again. The concept is awesome but the execution is terrible. That was our setup growing up and my mom would always do dishes during movies or TV shows. This was before DVRs so you couldn't just pause and wait for mom to stop banging plates together. The list of shows where I missed most of the episodes because she's slamming dishes is endless.
  9. Why do this on a Sunday night so the media will talk about it all week long?
  10. I need to frame this fucking post, can't tell you how much I love seeing this. Aggy gave me a shitload of grief on reddit for saying they should move to the Big Ten if they couldn't beat Texas on the field. All that bragging, time spent stewing about Texas ruining the conference, etc. It was for NOTHING. That is aggy. They are NOTHING.
  11. If I had a dollar every time I heard "If you wanna make a lot of money as an employee, go to Texas. If you wanna make a lot of money as a business owner, go to Texas A&M." I'd have enough to hire this aggy. Oh well....
  13. That is a fucking touchdown what the fuck are they talking about?
  15. That song is so cringe
  16. The New Yorker had a documentary short nominated at the Oscar's this year so I've been following their channel. They posted this documentary recently about a 99 year old lawyer trying his final case
  17. Mack's final year in Austin was pretty funny in hindsight. Beat Kansas State after losing every game to them for a decade. Beat #12 Oklahoma while unranked led by Derp McCoy. Win enough conference games to have the last game of the season be the de facto Big 12 title game. We put so much outside pressure on Mack that he had to hide behind Joe Jamail. We float around the idea of tearing down Jamail's statue Saddam Hussein style. Joe goes to Texas Monthly and calls us Al Qaeda. Good times!
  18. Imagine if he stayed at his ESPN gig. He'd probably be where Nick Saban is right now but instead he's getting fired after telling his boss "you can't fire me".
  19. I'm sure this has been mentioned elsewhere but I'm a huge fan of ESPN/ABC's new countdown clock during halftime.
  20. Is the Rose Bowl as magical as it looks on TV? I was only 16 when Texas won it all against USC but it has always been a dream of mine to visit that stadium.
  21. OU is absolutely destroying this team. Holy shit.
  22. Winning is hard lmao
  23. I kinda fucked up the wording on that. TSBP allows the compounding of commercially available drugs under certain conditions. It prohibits what they call "essentially copies of commercially available products". But that's a pharmacy issue, not a pharmacist issue. A pharmacist compounding what is essentially a commercially available product isn't even listed on the schedule of administrative penalties.
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