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Everything posted by HRSchenker

  1. How do you know the Dallas real estate market is on fire? People are buying homes in conservation districts without even knowing! https://lakewood.advocatemag.com/kerry-johnson/ You're not as private online as you think you are when your name and address are tied together. OSINT is real and dangerous.
  2. I hate it when you drop a piece of paper and someone offers to pick it up while bending or folding the paper. It's so fucking rude! Am I the only one who doesn't like needless bends and folds on paper?
  3. https://youtu.be/d24ZpzoZkQE?t=23
  4. Well, here ya go. California set to ban all "assault weapons" using the Texas abortion bounty scheme https://twitter.com/CAgovernor/status/1469865007517089798
  5. We're living in the best period of American history. Right now is the best time to crank out some children. I don't understand the doom and gloom.
  6. I'm probably very biased due to my work in psych pharm but the idea that we can stop mentally ill people from getting firearms while protecting the second amendment rights of average citizens seems paradoxical. I remember around the time of the OKC bombing we were talking about the motivation some people have to harm someone. Whether it be for personal gain or revenge, there was always a reason. But what if there isn't? Look at the Vegas shooting. Maybe there's info we're not aware of or that hasn't been made public but as it stands today we have no idea why he did what he did. We knew why the Columbine kids did what they did. We knew why the Virginia Tech guy did what he did. This guy didn't have a manifesto. No suicide note. No social media posts. He didn't talk politics. He allegedly had depressive episodes but mostly kept to himself. How are you supposed to find these urges to kill out? Are we going to require gun owners to spend a year in therapy? Two years in therapy? Physician sign off to buy a gun? How do you stop the next Stephen Paddock?
  7. Oh fuck! Are you shitting us right now?
  8. It's fucking with my desire to use the damn lot! I don't need a driveway on a two car garage that can fit 6 vehicles. Plus I hate yards.
  9. Oh her ass is going straight to ski school while I tear it up on the mountain
  10. Finally convinced the wife to go skiing. So fucking excited
  11. Name the damn kid what you're gonna call him. One of my college friends named their kid something like Michael Bradley Smith and they call him Bradley. Then fucking name him Bradley Smith.
  12. If all you care about is W-L then yes the Big 12 championship game didn't matter. Does a 1 loss OSU team get in over an undefeated Cincy? I don't think so.
  13. Cincy had no losses going on. So yes, it isn't the same scenario
  14. My only takeaway from the final 4 ranking is that yesterday's Big 12 championship game didn't matter. Oklahoma State wins that game and they're number 5.
  15. Minimum setback requirements are fuckin bullshit
  16. Do any of you have obsessive thoughts that just consume your entire day? I've been very quiet about this but it's driving me crazy. Earlier this year I was involved in a competition and got my ass kicked (not literally). Some days I spend my entire work day just obsessing over it. Replaying what went wrong, imagining what would have happened had I done things differently, just non stop. It happens so much that when someone comes up to me to ask a question it's like they're interrupting the flow in my head and it pisses me off. How do I let go of it? What things have you done to move on?
  17. My wife had the same concern but it's no louder than having a fan next to you on the low setting. If she can sleep with another fan on, she can tolerate your cpap
  18. DS-60 https://eforms.state.gov/Forms/ds60.PDF
  19. It has to be for more money. OU is a destination job. I would understand if he was a head coach at a smaller, mid major program like East Carolina or Texas A&M but you don't leave a blue blood unless a Brinks truck is in your driveway.
  20. Oklahoma is a blue blood program. Great recruiting base. Boosters flush with cash. The largest potential in college football. Who would be the best fit? Easy answer. Charlie Strong. Who else could do less with more?
  21. You recognize a difference between race and ethnicity, yeah?
  22. 99% of Hispanics are white.
  23. There's a form you can fill out that allows you to use a given name on a passport. I'll have to hunt for it.
  24. Walnut hill and 75
  25. 95 people in line at Specs right now.
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