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Everything posted by HRSchenker

  1. FUCK! Why are they doing this?!
  2. I will riot in the parking lot if the roof is closed tonight
  3. They're closing the fucking roof
  4. If adding lanes reduced traffic, it would make sense that reducing lanes would increase traffic right? When the west side highway was removed in NYC, there was no massive gridlock as a result. Turns out that traffic wasn't going TO NYC it was going to NJ and using the highway because it was easier. Same thing with the old embarcadero in SF. What I think a lot of people miss is that if traffic isn't going TO your city, it shouldn't be IN your city. We're dealing with the same thing in Dallas. Why should local Dallas residents pay the price so residents in Forney can travel to Grand Prairie with no issues?
  5. When Kingston was on council he was notorious for pulling his signs if you had other candidate signs in your yard he didn't like. He would do it whenever he felt like it, even if you were hanging out on your front porch he'd pull it and walk it home
  6. Never ever hold someone back in a fight if you're not willing to become a target yourself by the guy you're holding. Nothing noble about being in that position. Either separate them or get the hell out. Hate to see this happen to one of my idols growing up but damn Vince why are you at a place like that?
  7. This has been the quickest offseason ever. I can't believe opening day is Thursday!
  8. One of the biggest mistakes I've ever made in my entire life was investing in the stock market and real estate. Just looked at my CSGO skin inventory and some of the bullshit skins I bought years ago for $1 to $2 here and there are now selling for $500+. This is fucking crazy. If I had done that the entire time my ass would be retired.
  9. I guess it's time to get back in the groove of things. Haven't been to the gym in months and just hit 240 for the first time ever. Not good!
  10. Kaufman County being the fastest growing county in the nation just makes me laugh. Land and SFHs are dirt cheap for what you can get on a sq ft basis as well as property taxes but that's mostly because the developments coming up around Forney and Terrell are outside their city limits. Aside from sales tax these new residents don't contribute to things like police, fire rescue, bond funding, etc. Tie that in with the most corrupt city government I've ever seen and a city voting bloc that violently opposes new residential development, they're inevitably going to see huge tax increases that will make Dallas County look cheap.
  11. My home and auto both went up 40%. I was able to move my auto to a different carrier but my wife's car (a Kia soul) is now liability only because carriers are refusing to pay for damages due to rampant theft. I can't move my home policy because I have 2 claims from last year and the other carriers my agent uses refuse to write a policy for the home with that many claims in 3 years. I think it was you C-Man that mentioned the $0 claim from my initial roof inspection could fuck me. Sure enough it did.
  12. Big news out of the Supreme Court this morning. Lindke v. Freed is out. A public official who prevents someone from commenting on the official’s social-media page engages in state action under §1983 only if the official both (1) possessed actual authority to speak on the State’s behalf on a particular matter, and (2) purported to exercise that authority when speaking in the relevant social-media posts https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/22-611_ap6c.pdf
  13. Or in a book. Can the government shut down a printing press because it's owned by a company that holds political views it finds objectionable?
  14. Is there not a first amendment argument to be made against this bill? Tik Tok is the forum where my Gen Z colleagues use for news and political discussion. I don't like the idea of shutting down a forum for free speech because it "might be a national security threat". Where do you draw the line? I remember Joe Jamail calling us terrorists because we talked about tearing down his statue if Mack Brown wasn't fired. Could we be next on the chopping block?
  15. Is that in PSI? Holy shit you're a pot hole away from a massive explosion
  16. What's up with the proliferation of businesses charging a fee for using a credit/debit card? I've seen anywhere from 1% all the way up to 4%. Feels like bullshit to me. Now I gotta go to an ATM and pay them a fee to withdraw money so I can avoid the fee at the business. Fuck this!
  17. "Okay fuck it, let's open this envelope"
  18. The same family that shut down OU's wishbone offense in 1970 also shutting down a murder plot shouldn't surprise anyone.
  19. I used to laugh at people when their team lost and they'd yell about how the game was "rigged". Not anymore. The way the leagues are embracing gambling really bothers me. When Tim Donaghy was caught rigging NBA games it was a big deal at the time but I think a modern day Tim Donaghy would destroy a sport. If the NFL had its own Tim Donaghy controversy would people stop watching professional football? I probably would.
  20. Why did Biden give a shout out to Lincoln Riley?
  21. Mitch Little pulled out the upset of Kronda Thimesch a little after midnight. He was one of Ken Paxton's impeachment attorneys
  22. This is what a Ken Paxton endorsement gets you in Kaufman County. Feuerstein thought he could bank on that while not submitting his campaign finance reports. Wrong!
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