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Doc Reeves

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Doc Reeves

  1. Isis was awful because they had very polarized, philosophical beliefs. They believed in their souls what they were doing was right even though it was misguided. This is just being a bitchmade pussy. It will be remembered for all time. way to fuck up putin, truly breathtaking.
  2. Poor guys. They would be drinking grain alcohol, jumping off apartment buildings in to huge banks of snow, maybe beating up suspected homosexuals… God, the times were so much simpler just a few weeks ago
  3. You say I’m a “deserter”, I say I’m the “last survivor”
  4. Yeah, see that’s a common misconception with aggy. You aren’t necessarily lying if you’re wrong. just stupid.
  5. Lords knows, if you need shit shoveled there’s no one better than aggy
  6. Well, they should know. A week ago i would have fully agreed with you, but after seeing the wheels come off of 1/4 of their invasion vehicles I’d put those odds at fairly low
  7. You know between this news, aggy baseball and Russia getting fucked, this week has started out pretty good.
  8. We did that too but with shot guns and we weren’t kids we were 17. Similar accidental shot from distance with same result but it was it was buddy’s arm. Gotdamn we were fucking stupid
  9. Thats is a horrible story. She has a lot to deal with and settle with when this is all over and i truly hope she can find some peace later. War is fucking awful. In the meantime however, there is one thing she can do that will help her come to terms with this: Kill as many Russians as you can. It wont take away the hurt, but it will help a little.
  10. And only lost 4800 troops? Geniuses!
  11. So, they graduated from aggy? Do Javelins accept voice commands in a mixture of East TX twang and Ebonics? jeez, with aggy proof weapons we could take over the world.
  12. Yikes, dick jokes aside if someone say you have a little dick you hav an obligation to prove them wrong, you know unless…
  13. Its not a lie….if you believe it…
  14. Right? An aggy having friends?? Lol. I know its internet fuckery, but gotdamn that is a solid rant. Baseball is a gentleman’s game. No aggy would be that pissed about baseball.
  15. Hue Jackson seems like a fuckwad
  16. Yep. Fucking exactly. Will hit you up with some + when i recharge.
  17. Sweep the leg. Solid advice.
  18. Fuck yeah they do. No hesitation either. Murdering a Russian enemy trying to get on an airbase with their hands would be a fun, exciting story you’d tell the kids at Christmas for years rather than some therapist later in life.
  19. I hit you with some + when i recharge. Good book indeed
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