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Doc Reeves

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Doc Reeves

  1. “Toilet paper is for peasants”
  2. Gotta get comfortable with ‘fuck you’ before you can get that fuck-you-money.
  3. Keeping all Russians in Russia and not allowing them to travel to anywhere in Europe does seem harsh, but these are not normal circumstances. So, being that as it may, id like to say its going to be so fucking fantastic in Paris, Rome and Greece, this summer without these bitches there, holy fuck.
  4. Lots of people who’ve annoyed the shit out of me lately have been stepping up and doing- not just a good job, but their actual voluntary ‘world duty’. I would never have expected this 2 weeks ago.
  5. I don’t think it was their first choice really, at least not at first. That would be something you could pull after you secure some territory and have forward offensive positions conducting sieges- not when you still don’t have low level air superiority. Its an either real stupid or real desperate move imho…
  6. “An army moves on its belly”. -Julius Caesar
  7. We all say shit on the internet like this, but this isn’t the internet. Its the fucking UN and he’s saying some real shit, not something outlandish for effect. The fact he woundnt mention Hitlers actual name out of respect for the floor makes his remark even more pointed. Fucking big time words.
  8. This time could you put in a small shower? Maybe with a little bench because sometimes I like to sit down
  9. Good luck with that dip shit. All we need is 30 or so SeaBees over there.
  10. Fuck only 12? well, it’s a good start
  11. me to my auto insurance co.: “Yes that’s right, it was stolen on February 18 2022. Damnedest thing…”
  12. You don’t need to explain yourself. People can think whatever they want for whatever reason they want, man. What matters in this life is what you do, not what you say. You do you and people will come around or fuck off.
  13. Yep, it’s not fair. Didnt mean to tangent off topic and thanks for bringing me back to the point. My dad was on the City zoning committee for our town while I was growing up for years. From a lot of stories I’ve heard from him, the county can pretty much do whatever the fuck they want because issues like this will just go to county court who will side with the city. Then, debtors rarely have the ability to appeal to a court that cares. In this case the county just acted like they had the title when they didn’t. Then when somebody cried foul they were like “fuck you, you debtor.” It’s a scam and the people without money to fight it get fucked. This issue has to do with money of course, but really more centrally what cases like this have to do with power and legitimate authority. It’s fucked, but just the fact she was a debtor is a huge mark on her back for the city to fuck her.
  14. Exactly. The parade adjatiave is pretty apt here. Shock and awe is supposed to be like some apocalyptic alien attack movie where people don’t even know what the fuck happened. “Are we at war??? is an asteroid hitting the earth?? wtf?!?!” the reality was that Poo could only show numbers since those numbers practically mean nothing.
  15. Ugh… that’s not a call I fucking ever want to receive
  16. That’s a good measure of how total this war is at the moment. When/if they blow that pipeline, shit will already be proper fucked.
  17. Exactly. Property forfeiture to a bank sucks, but it really, really sucks when its to the state. Lots of ragey stories out there and we aren’t even touching eminent domain. Peoples lives are fairly complicated so it’s difficult for one person to criticize the payment habits or debt situation of another without lots of info, but basically my experience has taught me the best way to deal with this problem is to try really, really hard not to get in debt in the first place. Easy to say, not so easy to do depending on how crazy your life is. Some of the most responsible and money minded people I’ve ever known have found themselves in some unfortunate debt situations after divorces, death, or serious accidents.
  18. #quakeshow
  19. Exactly. One bad update and it’s Adidas track suits and gold chains everywhere
  20. Yep. Quick travel note. If you are ever talking to a Russian and they are smiling, you have been or are about to be fucked over. take it to the bank. Will happen 10/10
  21. Probably the same. The targets they wanted to nuke were only of posturing importance as the dust from WWII settled. If anything I would have weakened our position on the world stage. That we could point to the fact we were unaware of the total cost of deploying those first nukes coupled with the unique attitude of our enemy saved our credibility and allowed us to assume the role we’ve maintained for 80 yrs
  22. …and your bitch friend cries “THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE!!”
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