Yes, the old rohos where what we used to take in HS back in the day maybe after a trip to Old Mexico. Looking back, they were comparable to taking like 2.5 bars and having fragmented memories the next day is part of playing with benzos. Still, it wasn’t subtle if you were in mind wipe territory. If we’re drinking and took enough to blank out you looked like a fucking wreck and projectile vomiting was definitely something that was on the table.
GhB on the other hand is a fucking awesome drug. Like, too much fun. If you enjoyed having sex with a 20something y/o girl with a ridiculous body on ecstasy, then you are going to love- love it. Ecstasy might be a good drug to try if you’re girlfriend is maybe interested in trying something adventurous like anal sex but may still be apprehensive. It’s great for that. GhB would be something you would want to try out if, say, you’d like your GF who’s only had sex with 3 people to suddenly and ravenously join a Zoolander style orgy. Or conversely, if youre a gay dude and what to mess around with a strait guy who has no interest in guys. It seems to be good for that too. It can cause memory blank too with alcohol but you have to take a seriously dangerous amount.
More recently there’s Foxy. That shit is as close to the mythical “Spanish fly” there is. I guess the short of it is that it’s terrifically intense. Like a guy having a 8 min orgasm intense.
So, if you’re in a club/ at a music festival and you see some people in a corner making out hard, face flushed, hands down each other’s pants you say to yourself “welp, people ‘round here are doing ecstasy.” If you have to watch where you step or dance because total strangers are frantically having sex right where they first started making out, then you’re in Foxy town.
Damn I miss Jr. High.
wait, what were we talking about?