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Doc Reeves

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Doc Reeves

  1. They’ve got a tent. With about 50k in flowers in it and two big heaters so were all hanging out watching these flowers die. Sure, maybe you’re not into flowers but its kinda like watching someone set a new suburban on fire. You just gotta grab a beer and watch.
  2. Did you see Thursday’s tweet on the softball unis? Then, you’re all caught up
  3. Really? I’m standing net to a bama alum as we speak before an (outdoor, cold and shitty) wedding and he thought that was funny.
  4. You are very right. Auburn is an incredibly good school when compared to bama
  5. Never tell the husband your fucking his wife. And most certainly never, ever give him details that only he could know.
  6. Good old days indeed. Thanks Onlyfans.com
  7. I don’t know if it was for nothing Ive been fairly entertained. Besides, Harsin will be just fine, heck i doubt this will even be on his wiki page in a couple years. His kids will describe this as a ‘rough patch’ in their parents marriage. Clesi will be fine too, eventually. Sort of. She’s going to find a nice, wealthy older guy who’s dated porn stars and has an extensive collection of some specific cosplay shit. So, she won’t have to work and will have the affection of an older male figure to temporarily plug the hole of her past sexual abuse or fatherly neglect. She’ll have kids and fuck them up pretty well while also harboring a deep self-hatred because she knows looking back if she has just settled down and had kids 10 years earlier before this trauma changed her, she would have been a much better mother/person. She will take that out on her man-child husband and then children as he disengages from their marriage. She then, will try and make it thru each day with an assortment of drugs and painfully tawdry affairs. She will grow old and have almost no contact with her children and only see her grandchildren handful of times before her death. Like I said, everyone who matters is gonna be fine
  8. I dunno, if you buy a pure bred by a good breeder you’re practically doing that now
  9. Oh coach, its all finished. Hop on up when you’re ready!
  10. Props for being a good wing man. Kids today would fold under the pressure.
  11. Thank God for those old pics then…
  12. Game. Set. Match to Coach Harsin.
  13. Little off topic but I figure I’ll go ahead and stand on a soap box for a second and CR for a bit. You know, I was born in a communist country and lived there for a bit. It has always deeply struck me since I was a kid how almost no Americans even have the foggiest idea of what true censorship is like to live under. The fact people don’t realize they are actually, currently being allowed to whine about his nonsense and its a pretty incredible gift. If Joe did this shit in many, many other places in the world or at a different times he would just disappear from history and no one would even know to bitch about him. Freedom is the responsibility of dealing with all the bullshit of everyone living together. Regardless, I think nothing shows more dangerous or treasonous ignorance than the misrepresentation of “communism”. Please don’t use that word to describe America in any way unless you want to look like a fool who is grossly unaware what they’re talking about.
  14. No, he knows that. Now. Cost him $2400 and all he has to show for it is a shit tonne of empty mugs.
  15. Do you think I’m an animal? Sir, I’ll have you know I have the dignity to take a screenshot so I can look at it later in the bathroom where I can set my phone on the counter and use both hands one to jerk my junk on the other to stick my finger in my ass. Typos are just because I’m stupid.
  16. Still drunk from last night. Don’t hate
  17. Buddy. That is not a difference between the US and Nazi Germany. Americans are extremely fond of burning books, records, copy’s of bills or laws they don’t like and their own flag. The difference is the US you get a ticket or maybe even arrested with a fine and community service. In Nazi Germany they came to your house in the middle of the night and shot you and your family in the back of the head. it’s a Forrest and tress question
  18. Yup in this country you have the freedom to say what you want but the flipside of the coin is you must take responsibility for what you say.
  19. Softball finally taking notes from volllyball
  20. Preposterous. Could you imagine the precedent and implication??!?! /aggy
  21. Yep, happens all the time and they’ve actually had to do that to bridges in Amsterdam every so often since the mid 1600s. Every 3 month you se a yacht that looks like a skyscraper on its side squeezing thru somewhere. People are pissed about that. On the other hand its quintessentially Dutch in that theyre just sorta pissed. It’s similar to looking at your phone while walking on the sidewalk over there, people feel it is important enough to say some shit to you, but not important enough to stop and argue.
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