I don’t know if it was for nothing
Ive been fairly entertained.
Besides, Harsin will be just fine, heck i doubt this will even be on his wiki page in a couple years. His kids will describe this as a ‘rough patch’ in their parents marriage.
Clesi will be fine too, eventually. Sort of.
She’s going to find a nice, wealthy older guy who’s dated porn stars and has an extensive collection of some specific cosplay shit. So, she won’t have to work and will have the affection of an older male figure to temporarily plug the hole of her past sexual abuse or fatherly neglect. She’ll have kids and fuck them up pretty well while also harboring a deep self-hatred because she knows looking back if she has just settled down and had kids 10 years earlier before this trauma changed her, she would have been a much better mother/person. She will take that out on her man-child husband and then children as he disengages from their marriage. She then, will try and make it thru each day with an assortment of drugs and painfully tawdry affairs. She will grow old and have almost no contact with her children and only see her grandchildren handful of times before her death.
Like I said, everyone who matters is gonna be fine