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Doc Reeves

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Doc Reeves

  1. That’s just obtuse and ridiculous. There are no racial slurs at Golden Corral. Everyone there is white.
  2. Doc Reeves


    “Pax? No buddy, I’m looking to be MIA from myself for the next 9hrs”
  3. Bud, you ever try to join an exclusive country club or some shit? The NFL is a club, the teams are the owners toys and lots of those bitches have a problem with Bezos
  4. I could believe that. If the rest was: He will get large $ nil deal, get injured mid way thru his first season and just never be the same. Ends up portaling before the following season ends and transfers to a down LSU then the following season to UCF where he has a solid season that gets him some looks from the league. He gets drafted in the 5th round. He then plays for 12 seasons, appears in 8 Super Bowls and 10 Pro Bowls. Retires in the FL area where amongst other ventures he starts a taco restaurant based on the tacos he had during his time in Austin which then, becomes a popular chain throughout the South, southwest and CA. The logo is a symbol that when seen at a distance come together to form an upside down longhorn.
  5. He gone or he gonna be irresponsibly rich AF. Tuff break UM. I hear Tom Brady might be available
  6. Just one more example of our infighting and lack of consensus
  7. Good analogy ….I’ll be right back
  8. Yeah, it seems recently gangs of vigilantes murdering people in the streets has become a bit gauche
  9. I was listening to Katie Perry with my 4.5yo. The other morning. She was getting down and I thought it was cute so I sing along until “…skinny dipping in the dark….wait…menage a trois? FUCK. I don’t think I’ve ever actually listened to this song…”
  10. ‘Hurt’ is a strong word. We were bad. the guys are literal bumbling, jackass tool boxes. If anyone is forming an opinion from their nonsense then their opinion is worthless anyway.
  11. Well shit man. Then it makes this question even more important:
  12. Defiantly not worth the price of admission…
  13. She could kill a man with those thighs and in more than one way too…
  14. The dude in my time had overalls and his sheep was a smaller but a sufficiently large stuffed animal sheep with a surprised look on its face
  15. Johnny and those hats man…
  16. How else are you supposed to purge witches?
  17. He skipped out on the bill? Thats horrible. …but where is this place again? (Afaf)
  18. Good point. -on a completely separate/random topic, remind me never to cross you…
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