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Doc Reeves

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Doc Reeves

  1. Pfft, he’d have to take a pay cut AND pay taxes? Im sure God needs him to steal from people elsewhere
  2. well then, let me retract
  3. I’ll have you know I am in fact very conscious of the basics, I’m just drunk.
  4. i found the flaw in your argument
  5. Damn my man. Positive vibes sent your way.
  6. Welp https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2022/01/12/study-cannabis-compounds-prevent-coronavirus-from-entering-human-cells/?outputType=amp
  7. “you know Ricky? Well last night we got drunk and he gave me a blow job! Fucking faggot…”
  8. Exactly. Patterson wasn’t working for us yet…
  9. Oh, i have. It was more of a wink than an actual dig
  10. Hey, hey, hey. That’s disgusting and offensive. I just let them suck my dick.
  11. I’m my day we called doing what that kid did “catch”
  12. If I were 24, I would stay in a very toxic relationship for much too long because of that outfit.
  13. I’m sure he’ll give olmiss a chance to hire who he tells them to, things should be fiiiiiiine.
  14. This thread makes me think of this:
  15. Harder to tackle when they’re small
  16. …and still better than Sherod Harris
  17. Yup. When I was a little kid I thought that’s what people meant by “split National Campions” obviously later found out it was just AP vs USAToday, there was no Santa Claus and we are all going to die some day
  18. Well…. It might have been nice to have him as a backup when Colt was here…
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