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Doc Reeves

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Doc Reeves

  1. Media and imagery is such a big part of this.
  2. Definitely a Surly poster with the obsession with poo. Im down with but stuff, but that’s not a butt licking chick, that’s a chick you get to lick your but. Come on guys.
  3. Yep. Im in SA next to Ft. Sam so im getting vaporized immediately. No point in running even if Im at home. suckers.
  4. I’ve been lerking for the past few pages but I have to interject here at this post and ask we all take pause and think about what is actually being said here. As an American, i have to beg you in the name all that is good and holy… let me in on this.
  5. So you mean to tell me that you don’t think a carnival caricature of a young black man in this day and age of *checks phone* 2022 isn’t classy? /aggy
  6. Oh aggy
  7. Ill give you 985K cash….
  8. Yep. Take a boat, load up with what you could and head out to sea going east and hopefully after a few days get picked up by a US boat. There are lots of stories of people doing that and almost no boat made it without some losses.
  9. Fucking A. Lots of people who did that didn’t make it. You got some iron parents. Respect knuckles.👊🏻
  10. Yeah, but did you also read the part where he likes to shoot and fish? The older you get the harder it is to stand people. Sometimes you just gotta remember that ‘friendship is forgiveness’ and the tell him he’s fucking wrong and what a dumbass is he for thinking that every time he brings it up. Friends tell you when your fly is down.
  11. Yup. Had a convo with a military veteran who asked “What’s so bad about Putin?” Its just, daymn. Its not about politics either, buddy he’s our enemy. For good fucking reason.
  12. Then other half it tryin’ to forget…
  13. The ship be sinkin’ The rats be leavin’
  14. Well, yeah obviously I was being facetious but with all that considered it still seems, just, out of character. Packing yourself in a shipping container would be about as risky as trying to cross the desert. Idk. The people who are really good at human trafficking are the Armenians, Ukrainians, Montenegrins, Russians etc.
  15. Russians at the US/Mex boarders? Why? Why?? Why in the fuck would you do that?
  16. I don’t thing i need to tell you this but grab a metal shopping cart if you can. If you fall and die, don’t worry I will raise your kid and he will avenge you.
  17. Servers you right for having a job…
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