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Doc Reeves

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Doc Reeves

  1. I can’t help what you guys are…
  2. Seems now I can taste the PVC and well water in the Flavor-aid
  3. Hmmm…. Norman or the nice part of LA… that’s a thinker
  4. Also, for some reason my 4yo daughter is under the impression that one day her mom and I will grow smaller and become babies like she was and she will care for us. I have no idea who told her that but it’s been pretty hard to convince her the world works otherwise
  5. When playing Dr. my daughter calls the patients “customers”
  6. No way a story about a player who wanted to go to Texas as a kid? Crazy.
  7. But they weren’t, you know, ‘career’ type performances, where they?
  8. God it is so much fun listening to Bob stoops rightly talk about how badly we suck…
  9. Can’t be a dog if you ain’t hungry…
  10. to be honest, I kinda feel glad the guy in the bow tie is sad.
  11. How could we be worse that this year?
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