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Doc Reeves

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Doc Reeves

  1. What’s your stance on vaccinations?
  2. There are now tacos in space. https://www.instagram.com/p/CVoMipYLIJV/?utm_medium=share_sheet We will win today. I know this.
  3. mat dinner with me, wife and 4yo daughter. me: well, it was an eventful trip to the apple store. Dee was showing off with the Genius Bar guy and knocked my brand new phone into the ground. Luckily everything was fine my wife: (while looking at my daughter) oh my, well that sounds like it was very embarrassing. me: (also while looking at my daughter) it was. I thought my little girl was going to use her manners better… <we all sit looking at each other for about 10 sec> my daughter: Don’t worry momma, I wasn’t embarrassed.
  4. Yes but he has to live in Lubbock. It’s a wash after that.
  5. Doesn’t Harsin not believe in Dr.s or some such insane bullshit?
  6. For the consumer, that’s for sure. But because of the violence these men use hold onto control, the entire power structure of multiple organizations has been rocked. There are a lot of members of his cartel and those on their payrolls who are about to kill each other and in the end that’s the prize the govs were working towards.
  7. Ftmfw. That was my drink back in the day although i would alternate with Plymouth Have given them up since I’ve had the kid a few years ago, I just can’t bounce back the way i used to.
  8. I don’t want to spoil the end, but it involves a last stand in Argentina
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