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Doc Reeves

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Doc Reeves

  1. He could find his ass with both hands…
  2. Im with you. on one hand he’s the devil and on the other he gets shit done
  3. Don’t listen to this guy^^^^^, he’s fucking with you. the real secret way to get those numbers up is to spend most of your time on the politics board. Everyone is surprisingly understanding, balanced and there’s a wealth of intelligent, respectful and rewarding discussion as well as an inclusiveness that’s hard to find on the internet. If it doesn’t look that way at first, don’t give up. You’re probably just doing something wrong. Your welcome.
  4. From the dirty river city FIGHT!
  5. Doc Reeves


  6. Well, that’s because most people aren’t mad when they learn they won’t be going to OU…
  7. Doc Reeves


    We have a winner
  8. Expected. fuck it
  9. When I think of TCU i think of Xanax, Adderall and Percocet and how the TCU students do so much of it and how i need to get some
  10. You’re ideas intriguing and I’d like to subscribe to your news letter
  11. Self aware aggy is best aggy
  12. I’d put my money on 11-12
  13. Everyone has predictions, it take real balls to put yours out there. Tip of the cap.
  14. Ok man. It’s your time, talk your shit. The team earned it. Arky is for real right now. Stay healthy.
  15. Aggy QB is not good. It’s awesome
  16. Lucky for him it was his small leg I guess
  17. Pooooooor chubby Herbi
  18. Not a bad plan. Still, should head for Alaska so you can do it underneath the aurora
  19. Points for style
  20. actually, when you put it that way it sounds exactly like something we would do…
  21. The Asia pacific countries aren’t a good spot to run anymore if you’re an American fugitive save for Vietnam
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