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  1. i don’t know IU continues to do it, other than the fact that it’s a basketball-crazy populace. that program has been largely garbage for three decades now.
  2. lol wow. hey, i’m sold. he already sounds like he’s light years ahead of gregg.
  3. there’s 3-4 hardcore wnba defenders in here and not one of them has said a single critical thing about the league, its players, their attitudes, their treatment of CC, none of it. no, “yeah, that could have been handled better but…” type responses, just blind justification for everything the league and its players do. all of them are full-on zealots, that much has become clear.
  4. White Nebraska man shoots and wounds 7 Guatemalan immigrant neighbors: https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/white-nebraska-man-shoots-wounds-7-guatemalan-immigrant-111586014
  5. it’s the third homeless man that he’s killed with a bullet to the head. real american hero.
  6. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    yes i’m aware.
  7. “he’s just setting up those t sips to have their hearts broken, he’s an ag at heart, he’s just doing this so he can flip to a&m at the last minute and avenge us for what Schloss did, this is just good ole red-ass aggie bull!!!” -texags, probably
  8. surely there’s some 32 year old german guy out there at some bundesliga 2 club who can coach circles around gregg and who would like to coach in a world cup. go get that guy.
  9. if you’re going to repeatedly me of misogyny then quote me for christ’s sake. point to something specific, don’t just yell it into the ether like it’s a fact.
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