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Everything posted by Derka

  1. i don’t know IU continues to do it, other than the fact that it’s a basketball-crazy populace. that program has been largely garbage for three decades now.
  2. lol wow. hey, i’m sold. he already sounds like he’s light years ahead of gregg.
  3. there’s 3-4 hardcore wnba defenders in here and not one of them has said a single critical thing about the league, its players, their attitudes, their treatment of CC, none of it. no, “yeah, that could have been handled better but…” type responses, just blind justification for everything the league and its players do. all of them are full-on zealots, that much has become clear.
  4. White Nebraska man shoots and wounds 7 Guatemalan immigrant neighbors: https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/white-nebraska-man-shoots-wounds-7-guatemalan-immigrant-111586014
  5. it’s the third homeless man that he’s killed with a bullet to the head. real american hero.
  6. “he’s just setting up those t sips to have their hearts broken, he’s an ag at heart, he’s just doing this so he can flip to a&m at the last minute and avenge us for what Schloss did, this is just good ole red-ass aggie bull!!!” -texags, probably
  7. surely there’s some 32 year old german guy out there at some bundesliga 2 club who can coach circles around gregg and who would like to coach in a world cup. go get that guy.
  8. if you’re going to repeatedly me of misogyny then quote me for christ’s sake. point to something specific, don’t just yell it into the ether like it’s a fact.
  9. how am i not allowing anyone in here to have their own opinion?
  10. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    ^^^ better team than the current one. the talent level isn’t even close. gregg has got to go.
  11. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    morocco just made a WC semifinal. we absolutely have the players to make a deep run. we just have a mickey mouse federation and coach.
  12. because the women of the wnba have shown themselves to be toxic, entitled narcissists who routinely bite the hand that feeds them. literally, that’s why. that’s what i and so many others can’t take. britney griner is a trash person; angel reese is a fake thug/part time victim; the head coach of the women’s olympic team made anti-caitlin clark tweets before leaving her off the roster; kelsey plum demands more money; monica mcnutt is outraged that men haven’t been watching that shitty sport for years instead of appreciating the fact that she has a platform at all. all of this and so much more is why the wnba doesn’t deserve to exist. i mean normally the recipients of charity are grateful, and show some modicum humility. they don’t constantly bitch about how they deserve more charity while being garbage people who actively hate and want to ostracize their biggest money maker. that’s why.
  13. saying that he’s proud that the wnba is the only league in the world that’s allowed to exist while hemorrhaging money simply because women want to have their own league is 100% lacking self awareness coming from someone who claims to be championing equality. again- i have made more than 100,000 posts on these sites since i joined HF in 2002, and i have read 50x more posts than i’ve made, and yet i have never/will never receive/see responses like sawbonz’ girl dad soliloquy because someone criticized a male athlete or sport. these posts only show up when women are criticized. period. by the way you too are lacking in self awareness. you said i’ve been misogynistic in this thread? that’s your take? criticizing women = hating women? any criticism of a female = misogyny? you’re doing the same exact thing as sawbonz. how many wildly critical posts have i made about shaka smart? now how many times did someone tell me that i hate men because of these posts? never happened, never will. you think you’re championing some great cause; you’re not. you’re making it worse.
  14. says the guy who just wrote an after school special about raising his daughters because someone said that the wnba should have to turn a profit if it wants to exist.
  15. sawbonz and people like him are so painfully lacking in self awareness that they’ll never realize that all they do is accomplish the opposite of what they’re trying to accomplish. “i'm such a bastion for equality and such a great example for my daughters that i’m proud that the women of the wnba get wildly special treatment in more ways than anyone can count. this special treatment for women is progress, and anyone who disagrees is not an ally, they are an enemy.” i hate to break it to you, but justifying the existence of this league while implying that anyone who criticizes the special treatment it gets is a misogynist or an enemy of women is the exact opposite way to get more respect for yourself, or for any women anywhere. the only people who take you seriously belong to the same cult as you.
  16. so you teach your daughters that it’s a good thing for them to get wildly special treatment just because they are girls. they don’t have to earn anything in life, or display any kind of character or humility. you’re glad to have the wnba as a shining example that you can be a toxic, untalented, garbage human being who loses millions of dollars annually for your employer, and as long as you’re a girl it doesn’t matter because we will just hand you a league and a network and platform to be the garbage that you are, and nobody can take it from you, because you’re a girl. and you’re actually proud of that. way to go dad. pat yourself on the back.
  17. what does that have to do with anything in this thread? at all? you people are such martyrs, it’s such a beating. “we want to be treated the same as men!” they cry. then when sports fans on the internet are critical of female athletes we gets this totally tangential, socially aware, “save our daughters!” bullshit, as if a)your daughters wouldn’t have a future if the wnba had to actually turn a profit, and b) as if something like this would ever be posted in response to someone criticizing a male athlete. do you want equality or special testament? you can’t make up your minds. as for your wildly tangential point, i’ve already addressed it in this thread: your daughters can still look up to serena williams and alex morgan and sha’carri richardson and a million other female athletes who have earned their way in life on their own merits and not on charity. in fact i implore your to have your daughters be j spores by them, and not by these nasty, toxic spoiled, ungrateful, untalented women from the wnba.
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