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Everything posted by Derka

  1. annnnnd my entire week of good pitching has gone up in flames. how’s everybody else’s day going?
  2. yeah the people in that comment section need help.
  3. Derka

    Euro 2024

    i wish i enjoyed anything as much as this guy enjoys this joke:
  4. cool story about Ant doing a pre-draft workout for steve kerr and the warriors:
  5. i like the way this dixon kid plays.
  6. it’s really hard on you when people have differing opinions. maybe don’t sweat it so much? and yes, angel reese is absolutely representative of the worst aspects of the wnba: she’s entitled, she’s delusional, she loves to run her mouth and talk shit, and then as soon as she gets any of that back in her direction she cries and plays the victim. yes, angel reese is the poster child for why people who used to be indifferent about the wnba now have a very negative opinion of it.
  7. kid can’t even stuff his face correctly.
  8. more specifically, i’m here because angel reese is such a loudmouth asshole/whiny victim that she has drawn the attention of me and countless other sports fans to her sport, and here in the doldrums of summer it turns out that we all have plenty of time to observe, laugh at, and discuss the insane entitlement and hypocrisy on display by these whiny, pampered athletes. if angel reese and her league-mates weren’t running their mouths and going out of their way to fuck with caitlin clark then d2o and pancho could post back in forth in peace about that sweet chest pass or how that one girl almost made that layup. but angel and her homies chose violence, so here we are. they asked for the attention. here it is. don’t like it? your problem.
  9. for the same reason that people who don’t like bad cops, donald trump, or david pierce post in the threads dedicated to those subjects. it’s a topic of discussion on this forum and i have opinions and takes on the subject matter. pretty simple stuff.
  10. dropping dimes is the one thing she could defintely do against men in a setting like lifetime. her vision and ability to make the pass are off the charts. it actually kinda irks me how relatively little attention her passing gets compared to her shooting. she’s a better passer than she is a shooter.
  11. Derka

    Luka Doncic

    i agree with both of y’all. i would take luka over embiid if i were starting a franchise. btw you could make a case that the five best players in the nba are from serbia, greece (by way of nigeria), slovenia, cameroon, and canada.
  12. lol of course not. i love watching plenty of women’s sports- volleyball, track and field, soccer, tennis, to name a few. and the athletes who compete in those sports draw eyeballs like mine and millions of others because they are good enough and entertaining enough to draw huge audiences when they compete. the wnba and its players cannot say the same. when you add insane levels of entitlement and shitty personalities to their lack of skill and entertainment, you don’t have to hate women or be a misogynist to megaloathe this league and its players.
  13. lol and i’m supposed to be hypersensitive. you claimed that the wnba product is awesome; it’s not. pointing out that JV boys basketball teams are more talented and more entertaining wouldn’t trigger you like this if it weren’t true. the product that the wnba puts out sucks, and that’s why the sports watching public has ignored it since its inception.
  14. it’s really not though. if they let HS JV boys teams compete in the wnba then all of the best teams and players would be 16 year old boys. the current wnba champions would be absolutely helpless to stop a team of talented 16 year old boys. beyond that the boys would be wildly more entertaining and popular than anything that any female player or team put out there. the product’s lack of sustainability speaks for itself. the level of basketball and athleticism on display is not good enough to even warrant this league’s existence.
  15. Derka

    Luka Doncic

    yeah i’ve still got jokic and giannis as the top two and embiid next.
  16. nothing to worry about if you aren’t doing anything wrong:
  17. Derka

    Euro 2024

    this is some real “no blood, no foul” officiating.
  18. Derka

    Euro 2024

    kdb reminding everyone he’s still the best mf in the world.
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