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Posts posted by Derka

  1. 32 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    "Hmm, let's wait and see what she does for a while before we say she's literally the #1 greatest pro of all time at <x> or <y>"

    wake me up when someone here says that. then you might have a point. until then you and your cadre are just continuing to tilt at windmills simply because you don’t like the opinions of others.

  2. you’re really arguing that we can’t already tell that CC is an elite, all-time great passer? did you say the same thing about Magic in 1980? again, it’s hilarious that you’ve accused everyone else in here of being too biased to be objective.

  3. wow! donnarumma!


    and before i can even hit send modric has gone ahead and scored! wow!

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  4. roomie cop who was ignoring safety protocols and breaking the law smashes into another vehicle instantly killing two innocent pedestrians. beyond that, the office had another random, unidentified person in his backseat as he was flying towards a reported armed robbery: despite breaking countless department rules and state laws and killing two people, the officer is not on leave.


  5. 1 hour ago, CoTex said:

    Lets not get too far ahead of ourselves.  I don't want to turn this into "who are the best passers ever," but Ms. Clark ain't in the conversation.

    Isn't enough to say "that was an awesome pass followed by an awesome doink off the bottom of the backboard?"

    she’s the best female passer i’ve ever seen and is already the best passer in the league. she led the ncaa in assists and is going to do the same in the wnba. she’s absolutely one of the best women’s passers of all time right now. her cementing that status is legitimately just a matter of time.

  6. 1 hour ago, InkaUtexas said:

    Not sure I like P taking our corners. Would it not be better to have him mobile? Shooting from outside? etc....

    they also said on the broadcast that he didn’t really like taking corners, and that they basically forced him to train his ass off at them because was gonna be their guy. i don’t mind pulisic expanding his bag, but that seems like an odd way of going about choosing who takes your corners.

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  7. “pepi is cursed here in his hometown!”

    ”well, he’s originally from el paso, but he moved to dallas when he was 13.”

    yeah, also, arlington is not dallas, so still not his hometown either way. 

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  8. oh my god stu holden shut the fuck up. stop analyzing every single thing that happens. you are surely on your way to breaking the world record for words spoken while calling a soccer match. shut up.

    oh good, he finally shuts his mouth and it’s so that we can go down to our blonde female sideline reporter to give us a report about a goal celebration from the first half!

    jesus christ fox is so third rate. 

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