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Everything posted by Derka

  1. could we not have gotten this singing and dancing done during the hour that fox was on air from 5-6? it’s 6:08 pm, nobody is in their seats, and i’m watching some strange high school theater production that’s happening in front of said empty seats when the game was supposed to start at 6. why do we do this.
  2. Derka

    Euro 2024

    even in a losing effort donnarumma has been motm.
  3. did some sort of statistical correction take place last night? kaiser shohei somehow got knocked out of first place in the middle of the week.
  4. Derka

    Euro 2024

    anyone else’s screen spazzing out? it’s only happening on fox for me.
  5. because he had zero obligation to do so. end of story. he’s a grown ass fucking man, he doesn’t have to comply with officer doofey just because captain dipshit wants to start an investigation with zero probable cause. this is not a police state. the police are not allowed to investigate you for being awake at 2am, and you are under no obligation to assist them in their fishing expedition. gotta be honest, i’m kind of rooting for some cops to just bust up into your house and tear it apart for no reason in the near future, just because they want to. maybe charge you with interfering with an investigation since you didn’t blindly obey all of their commands. “don’t understand why idig didn’t just do what they said.” hopefully no acorns fall off any trees during the raid.
  6. “you’re on private property with the lights on at 2am, that’s suspicious to me, i’m coming onto the property and executing a search without any warrant or probable cause.” are. you. serious.
  7. are you kidding me? did you watch all three videos? the cop abused his power and broke the law because he didn’t like the fact that the citizen wouldn’t respect his authoritah. fuck that cop.
  8. sent you a message and i have plenty of power. what’s popping?
  9. i’ve got shohei in my dh slot, and i’ve got two different top flight 1B (naylor and olson). i can only start two of these three. you do the math, i’m doing the alfredo.
  10. melvin ejim?? he was badass at isu.
  11. lulz, bradish becomes my third tommy john of the season. pitching in 2024 everybody!
  12. Derka

    Luka Doncic

    this is not the jokic thread.
  13. Derka

    Euro 2024

    FUCK. tierney is so damn snake bit. and that looked really bad. looked like his hamstring went first, which caused him to step funny and fuck off both his ankle and knee on the same leg. absolutely nothing worse than when a great guy who’s a great player is just co tj halley betrayed by his body. he looks absolutely devastated. damn.
  14. nba finals can’t even outdraw baseball these days, regardless of who’s playing. maybe it’s a bad idea to make the season a marathon, the playoffs an ultramarathon, and the finals a multi-year endeavor.
  15. that umpire should be the standard. he’s owning that he had a bad night and he’s not talking a bunch of shit or getting his ego involved. that’s how it should be. good for him.
  16. Derka

    Luka Doncic

    and that player is angel reese.
  17. that’s not the point. the point is that we can talk all the shit we want about beard being an asshole who employs assholes, but guess who wins most of the titles? i don’t think danny hurley will be getting nominated for person of the year any time soon, but he’s still 12-0 in the last two tourneys. i’ve said this to this board before, but y’all will bitch about rick barnes not winning and then turn around and shame the assholes who do win. jay wright being the exception that proves the rule, our fans seem to both want to win at the highest level and employ a coaching staff of choir boys, and those two things just generally don’t go together.
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