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Everything posted by Derka

  1. her quote was still about caitlin clark. why does she even have to involve CC? what does reese not getting a foul called in her favor have to do with CC? just more unprovoked, antagonistic crap from the “villain” who needs a safe space whenever anyone gives her the same kind of shit she gives CC.
  2. and yes, i know this is the CC thread. again, the three people who take the wnba thread seriously (the same three people who are the only three people here who refuse to acknowledge that CC should be on the olympic team for obvious reasons) get all pissy when you make a post in the wnba thread that isn’t a straight fellating (cunnilinging?) the “athletes” in that league. i’m being downright respectful when it comes down to it.
  3. 🙄🙄🙄 stop comparing the women to the men, it’s embarrassing. shaquille o’neal is a top 10 freakiest human being to ever walk the planet. his combination of size, strength, agility, iq, touch, and basketball skill has never been matched and will probably never be matched. let’s not compare some lady who’s on par with a good 14-15 year old boy basketball-wise to fucking shaq.
  4. can’t wait til the pirates shut him down the first week of august or something equally stupid.
  5. Derka

    Luka Doncic

    im not saying anything about luka that i haven’t said about him a bunch of times before except for the plateau part. and it’s the fact that i’ve been saying the same thing about him for so long that has me saying he’s going to plateau if he doesn’t finally change. he was in really good shape when he played for real madrid, and then he came to america and let himself go. that’s a fact. he’s never come into a season with the type of body that he was playing with in europe. he didn’t used to carry bad weight like he has for so long now. you say his body started breaking down towards the end of the season and it was hard for him to stay healthy? you don’t say. jokic had to do the same thing before he finally broke through. if luka shows up next year looking like white paul pierce again then i’ll be really disappointed at that.
  6. Derka

    Luka Doncic

    i see this going one of two ways: either luka has a transformative offseason where he takes the next step, or his career plateaus. if this doesn’t motivate him to get into top flight shape then nothing will.
  7. Derka

    Euro 2024

    my beef is with the asinine suspension rule much more than it is with any particular booking. still, when the rules are that tight you cannot be giving away cheap yellows. i doubt mbappe even knew where he was at that moment in time. that ref showed no discretion with the cards today. watch us end up with a semifinal match where mbappe or harry kane has to miss because he got two yellows in four matches for time wasting and one late challenge or something else equally dumb.
  8. Derka

    Euro 2024

    jesus christ, and now mbappe gets booked for coming back on? so dumb.
  9. Derka

    Euro 2024

    i’m just now remembering i’m watching late on my dvr, lulz. that is one broken nose:
  10. Derka

    Euro 2024

    damn, this is one bloody match.
  11. Derka

    Euro 2024

    what a shame that nobody gets to watch n’golo kante play club football. he’s still amazing.
  12. Derka

    Euro 2024

    you cannot be handing out soft yellow cards when the suspension rules are so severe. a player who gets a yellow card in game one could conceivably gets his second yellow in the 90th minute if his fourth match of the tourney, and this have to miss the semifinals because of two yellow cards in 360+ minutes. just asinine.
  13. Derka

    Euro 2024

    giroud needs to give mbappe some finishing lessons.
  14. Derka

    Euro 2024

    “austria won’t be disappointed if they lose by one.” spoken like a true loser landon.
  15. rick barnes as the best all time coach at two different tier 3 programs. not bad.
  16. this is what really bums me out about the evolution of college hoops. all anyone cares about anymore is “did we win it all?” meanwhile, kansas, a full fledged blue blood, had a whopping THREE total banners in the rafters when i went to lawrence for the Texas game in 2022. they’ve since added a fourth. so in the entire history of the program that was led by the guy who invented the sport, a program that has kind for pound had the best coaching in CBB history they’ve won it all four times. but yet it’s still, “fuck any coach who doesn’t win it all.” this is the hardest list to join in all of sports:
  17. and now adames? on pace for 25 hr, 20 SB, and 105 rbi. and we let HG get him?
  18. that’s rich coming from the most dug-in, unwilling-to-concede defender of all things that are anti-CC. you and pancho are the two people in this thread who are completely incapable of objectivity. you made 50 posts about all of the basketball reasons that CC shouldn’t be on the olympic team and completely dismissed all of the extremely valid non-basketball arguments that said otherwise. you are the last person here to call out others for having bias.
  19. there’s nothing that angel reese does on a basketball court that any number of talented 8th grade boys couldn’t do. the fact that she’s apparently a double double machine is an indictment on the league.
  20. i came into today ahead on sb 6-2. brice turang and david hamilton have combined for six steals today, and i’ve now lost the category 8-6.
  21. he just stole another base.
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