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Everything posted by Derka

  1. i don’t watch movies or follow what’s going on in hollywood. what happened with TH and iron man?
  2. i just saw a whole ass thread on twitter full of people blaming CC for the hook foul. they even praised chendall weaver’s sister in the play for “making sure CC didn’t fall down” lol. these people are completely delusional.
  3. Derka

    Euro 2024

    mitrovic is arguing he was shoved in the back (he was), meanwhile ian darke and LD are droning on about a potential handball that no one is calling for.
  4. WAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! “ima be able to look back in 20 years and say it wasn’t caitlin clark who killed everyone’s interest in this sport, it was me. and y’all need to know that.”
  5. Derka

    Euro 2024

    american soccer announcers love to spend all game talking over the action and going over tactics, off-field stories, reminiscing, whatever. we objectively suck at announcing this sport.
  6. who said it was funny? also, hey dipshit- this is a thread about people hurting each other. you know that countless people in the videos in this thread have been severely injured and/or killed, yeah? apparently those didn’t warrant some whiny-ass response from you. pain and death are cool with you, but you draw the line at balls on the head of some girl who’s so blackout drunk at noon that she can’t even stand up while her friends laugh and film her. really odd choice for the video that crosses the line for you. perhaps this thread/website aren’t for you.
  7. the dream team wasn’t begging people to pay attention to them, and if they were then they certainly wouldn’t have left michael jordan off the team.
  8. the sweet tea is a crime against humanity, as is claiming to represent the rest of non-psychopath americans when it comes to making tea.
  9. TV will be irreparably worse a little over one year from now. they didn’t make em like Chuck back in the 80’s and 90’s, and they damn sure don’t make em like Chuck today. every episode of Inside The NBA will be appointment viewing for me. I just hope he ultimately can’t help himself and ends up still frequenting the air waves here and there, even if it’s never in any sort of permanent role ever again.
  10. aaron judge about to slip and fall in the shower.
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