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Everything posted by Derka

  1. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    thankfully just a hip pointer for balogun.
  2. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    if we start training calvin johnson today, i’m certain he can be a better GK than matt turner by 2026.
  3. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    this is amateur hour.
  4. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    in a summer of bad officiating, that shit takes the cake. unreal.
  5. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    what the bell is going on out here?!?!
  6. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    hey don’t show us a replay or anything fox.
  7. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    panama up 1-0, as it stands we are out.
  8. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    these copa matches are just knife fights in favelas.
  9. balogun gets mugged, no call. his homies are still there. and they seem like they’d rather have gregg in charge then to actually be competitive.
  10. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    sideline reporting in the middle of a match should be illegal. god damn i hate fox.
  11. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    that dude said, “f scally”. love the way he hopped right back up after the foul.
  12. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    love watching tv from nosebleeds.
  13. also im not sure if you’ve actually read any of my posts which you’re commenting on, because i’ve already pointed out several times that i and every other regular to this thread have been ignoring the wnba since its inception, and only started tuning in when their whining, unjustified demands for men’s money and attention, and horrible treatment of caitlin clark all came to head. the league and its players now have our attention, and it turns out it’s an ugly, ugly scene.
  14. lol “growing pains”. don’t you think that several decades of flushing money down the drain on a product that there is no demand for is a little more than “growing pains”?
  15. oh no i absolutely hate women. they weren’t made from adam’s rib just so that they could delude themselves into believing that they in any way equal to men, or that they deserve equal rights, or basic human decency. we’ve tolerated them long enough. they should be eradicated. fucking women. aaggghhh i hate them so much. kill them all!!!
  16. i’ve felt this way before (i hope we lose!!) and invariably i’ve found myself unable to actually root against my team on gameday. i have no doubt that when the game actually starts that i’ll be all-in on a US win, but i can’t lie- an early uruguay goal and i’m going to flip shit and masochistically root for a bloodbath.
  17. a quote from that stand up clip: ”there’s nothing stopping you, other than the fact that you guys are just into destroying each other.” so true. and all that angel reese, and diana turasi, and the olympic head coach, and so many more women this year have done is shine a very very bright spotlight on this fact.
  18. this is one of the ~5 or so most viral stand up clips of the past several years, and it exists for a reason: men who like sports finally got tired of being bitched at by female athletes, as if we (men) are the reason that they don’t get paid what they want, or why their arenas are half empty, or why they can’t fly charter jets. they started this fight years ago, and now more and more men are saying, “alright fuck it, let’s have this conversation. let’s treat you the same way we treat male athletes and let’s see how this goes.” so far they don’t like it. whaddaya know.
  19. then i 100% believe you when say that you don’t follow the league.
  20. men. men gave them the league, men support the league and buy more tickets and merch than women do, the men’s league keep the wnba afloat when it’s hemorrhaging money, and on and on and on. look i’m not the one who started this fight or drew this line and decided that it was women vs men. the wnba did that. they have bitched about men not doing enough for them for longer than i can remember, and until recently we (men) just ignored all of that garbage and kept it moving. but then the events of recent months transpired, these women who you so blindly support and white knight for finally got us (men) to pay attention to thhwie terrible sport, and their reaction? they go after the one girl who brought all of us here in the first place and they scream at men for not watching this shitass product sooner. okey dokey! if you and the women of the wnba didn’t want me claiming victory then you shouldn’t have made it so clear that i was on the other team, that i was your enemy, that i was to blame for your struggles. don’t get all butthurt now that we (men) are finally tuning in to your sport just to find out that not only do these women objectively suck at basketball, but that many of them are even worse people. don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
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