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Everything posted by Derka

  1. still waiting for answers on my two questions: is the aggie girl chendall weaver’s sister, and why is a man allowed to play in the wnba?
  2. i’m sorry, what? first off there is no rivalry, there is one rookie player being targeted for cheap shots by the entire rest of the league with none of her teammates defending her. that’s not a rivalry. as for the rest of your post, nobody here gives a shit about the wnba nor do we have opinions on whether or not its players like each other. we’re only talking about this because the female steph curry just entered the league with a bounty on her head because women be jealous. that’s all. nobody here cares about this league or its alarmingly entitled, spoiled, angry, violent, non-talented players.
  3. which shows that cc is vastly more interesting than the entirety of professional women’s basketball. we’re talking about this now because is an extremely unique story taking place during the doldrums of summer. the best college basketball player immediately joins her pro league right after her college career ends, and from day 1 she’s basically got a bounty on her head literally because she’s singlehandedly getting more attention than the entire rest of the league combined. i’m talking about it now, but i won’t care for very much longer, and i’m definitely not ever going to tune into a wnba game because of this.
  4. wait- is this chennedy chick not chendall weaver’s sister? or was that a different girl?
  5. i could have sworn that their entire thing was insisting that trans men and women be accepted as/treated the same as actual, biological men and women. so if this person is a man, how are they allowed to play in this league?
  6. yes, people who follow the wnba know who she is. your average sports fan has absolutely no clue who she is.
  7. are you being intentionally obtuse? should i just copy/paste the post you quoted so you can read it again? as of now nobody even knows who liz cambadge is. if the wnba got the attention that its players want and supposedly deserve then liz cambadge would be reviled by sports fans everywhere, as opposed to just being some anonymous POS doing whatever she’s doing, wherever she currently happens to be. did you really need me to spell all of that out for you again?
  8. apples and oranges. cc shoving some girl during a game is not even close to an entire league targeting one girl with blatantly dirty play because she gets more attention than they do. also who is this tweet even addressing? the 12 people who were watching that iowa game? nobody is even aware of that plays existence. we’re all very aware of the fact that cc is being targeted by seemingly the entire wnba over petty jealousy. the two aren’t remotely similar. lol no it hasn’t. the league loses money every year and is subsidized by the nba, facts you should be well aware of.
  9. also liz cambadge and brittney griner need to be grateful that this league and its players don’t get more attention, because they are both huge pieces of shit who would be reviled by sports fans everywhere if they were men.
  10. yeah, wnba fans constantly try and tell the rest of us that the talent level and the product is actually really good, and it’s just not. it’s pathetic. that is why this league would not exist on its own merit. yet they are given this league by men, and all they do is bitch and moan about all the stuff they deserve that they don’t have, and how men need to give it to them. then when men say things like, “we might watch more if you lowered the rim” they become incredulously apoplectic that you would say something so sexist. the more i’m exposed to the wnba, the more of a joke the league and its players become.
  11. two errors in one inning followed up by a one-pitch ab with the winning run on third.
  12. texas pitching all night: 1)get ahead in the count 2)start dancing around the edges 3)get behind in the count 4)flirt with danger
  13. look at these fucking goobers in the stands, we need david attenborough narrating this shit.
  14. they are dortmund, we are madrid. they will pay for not taking advantage.
  15. it’s so fucking funny that their super bowl is against a 3 seed in a four team regional. 😂😂😂
  16. my feelings on shirtless, dancing aggie kid: that kid is back dancing in the background again…that’s criminal…that kid…is BACK dancing in the background again!
  17. LBJ IS A GAMER!!! 🤘🏼
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