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Everything posted by Derka

  1. jazz saved a run there. not bad for a guy who spent a most of the year playing CF.
  2. in HS i worked at bill miller bbq on 35 and wells branch, and in the kitchen we had a mario, maria, mariano, and mariana./csb
  3. yeah i don’t care about the quality of baseball, im here for the rollercoaster ride. in fact, the yankees blowing a 5-0 lead by fumbling and bumbling a bunch of easy outs has made this game that much more enjoyable for me.
  4. max muncy looks like a human gerbil.
  5. not much is known about the specifics of this new gladiator movie except this: it will suck.
  6. this is a great world series game.
  7. holy shit!! ohtani is a walking out and he gets catchers interference!
  8. of course fox doesn’t show a replay of the check swing.
  9. he’s talking, and i’m just sitting here going
  10. muncy is the white pablo sandoval.
  11. wow, great pitch. that was a good at-bat, holmes just won the duel.
  12. “just a few hours left in this month of october.” yeah; in fiji.
  13. i reacted aloud before he even hit the ball, that’s how bad that first pitch fastball was.
  14. zoolander is straight up not funny, and wedding crashers is so dull i tried three different times to watch it and couldn’t finish. ben stiller hasn’t been funny since heavyweights/happy gilmore, and owen wilson is just not funny at all. also vince vaughn is wildly overrated. his funniest movie was return to paradise which isn’t even a comedy.
  15. player for PNE should have just been booked twice for one play (yellow card tackle from behind on MLS, immediately hops up, gets into the refs face and cusses him out), but he doesn’t play for Arsenal, so no dice.
  16. havertz comes in at half time and scores. 3-0.
  17. god damn nwaneri is the real deal.
  18. jesus scores for the first time in 25 matches. YO! what a goal from nwaneri!!!
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