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Everything posted by Derka

  1. he’s losing it. he’s basically doing the bobby knight “game face” speech every time she says something.
  2. he’s starting to make faces. he’s getting more and more upset.
  3. “crime is down all over the world except here, because she’s letting everyone else’s criminals come here.” again, how fucking stupid do you have to be to buy this shit?!?
  4. “worst vice president in history” ”worst inflation in history” ”everybody agrees, republicans and democrats both” ”i’m a leader and everybody knows it” everything this idiot alleges is either all or nothing. how fucking stupid do you have to be to believe anything this morn says? he’s a grown 4th grader. lol, two seconds later, “we’ve been having the biggest rallies in the history of politics.” christ on a cracker this guy is simple.
  5. and now i’ve got a chubby white dude on kickoff coverage wearing no.20. you had a decade to make this game EA. jesus christ that’s lazy.
  6. also, check the tape- the overwhelming majority of suicide by cop victims are nothing reseming “well armed psychos”. they are by and large overtly mentally ill people with a death wish, and the police in this country are more than happy to oblige them. we have a pussy police force in this country. we employ our dumbest and scaredest to patrol our streets. fucking embarrassing.
  7. most dangerous jobs in america 1.logging workers 2.aircraft pilots and flight engineers 3.oil derrick operators 4. roofers 5.garbage collectors 7.delivery drivers 12.crossing guards 16. highway maintenance workers 19.supervisors of mechanics 21.ground maintenance workers so you’ve got “people who rake leaves” ahead of police officers in terms of dangerous jobs. your got doordash workers waaaay ahead of cops in terms of dangerous jobs. literal immigrants and people with ged’s who deliver mcdonald’s for a living have a far more dangerous job than cops, with none of the training, responsibility, guns, weapons, backup, and immunity. if you’re too scared to deal with john q. public while wearing what amounts to special forces gear, kevlar vests, tasers, guns, and copious amounts of backup soldiers, then maybe do everyone a favor and don’t become a cop you giant fucking pussy.
  8. right, because that’s who deputy dipshit is pulling over on a daily basis. thats who populates this country. that’s who dade county thought they were pulling over when they pulled over superstar football player tyreek hill, on sunday, in his $200k sports car. 🙄 also, being an educator is statistically more dangerous than being a cop, so you’re not only a smarmy douchebag, you also don’t have a point.
  9. american police departments and emotionally fragile, volatile men (and women)- name a more iconic duo.
  10. you know god damn well i want a cookie, you do not have to ask. thin mints, please and thank you.
  11. i started working as “gym manager” (essentially running basketball and volleyball tournaments, set up and tear down equipment, work with game officials, deal with injuries, accidents, parents, etc) at my former school when i was 15 years old and got my first work permit. i worked that job until my early 30’s. during that time running the gym at a parochial school i dealt with more than my fair share of shitty parents with bad attitudes, loud mouths, and a failure to understand that 5th grade b team volleyball isn’t the fucking olympics. throughout all of those years i never once raised my voice to a shitty parent; never once cursed; defintely never threatened to attack or injure someone, much less actually do it. do y’all know how entitled 40 - 60-something rich people are? how goddamn uppity west austin sports parents can be? and yet it was my responsibility, at 15, at 30, on my best day, on my mentally ill worst day, to keep the peace, to be the adult, and to handle the situation in a calm manner, even when a rich, snobby, entitled parent is screaming across the gym at the scorer’s table about the score being wrong (it’s not), or getting in an official’s face over a call they disagree with, or because i asked their shitty kid to stop punting volleyballs all over the gym. i just want to ask everyone here who is making excuses for these dipshit cops why they hold these LEO’s to a lower standard than the one i was held to while running sports games for 11 year old rich kids and their loudmouth, entitled parents? why should i, specifically me, even at the age of 15, be asked to/able to be more of a calm, rational adult at such a low stakes job, than the LEO’s who carry badges, guns, and nearly unfettered power over all of us? seriously. think about what you’re saying, what you’re trying to justify. you’re holding the most powerful people to the lowest standard. be better.
  12. meanwhile angel reese is shattering records for missed layups.
  13. griezmann is actually pretty damn impressive here.
  14. aneesa coming into a season in better shape and winning a final will be the comeback story of the century. good for her for finally putting in the work. if she can come into the next season without talking about what she “deserves” and just do work she will win over a lot of fans.
  15. Derka

    The Wire

    my fantasy team:
  16. SEC is going to be a fun change of pace. it’s still gonna be a really good basketball conference, just without all of the trips to the frozen prairie tundra in the dead of winter. you add in rivalries with a&m and arkansas (and ou), plus beard and barnes coaching rival teams, kentucky on the schedule…yeah. i loved the grind of the big xii for what it was, but this is going to be fun.
  17. because it’s tuesday; because mercury is in retrograde; because their wife is a bitch and their kids hate them. you know, just whatever.
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