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Everything posted by Derka

  1. chestnut is too fast to be taking your time like that
  2. it feels like wed have better ab’s if we gave everyone the take sign until they get to two strikes. so, less than ideal.
  3. need a DP really bad here.
  4. well that’s a top 10 pick for you. let’s roll two.
  5. that slider is on point tonight!
  6. super impressed with LBJ throwing so many first-pitch strikes.
  7. chestnut is normally my boy, but tonight i hope he k’s three times on 9 pitches.
  8. from “saw varsity’s horns off” to a leadoff bomb in ~20 seconds. you love to see it! 🤘🏼
  9. 23 pitches but that’s a damn good start.
  10. good looking stuff early on.
  11. lol we already got a gomer behind home plate going apoplectic after the first hitter of the game. i love how much this means to them.
  12. joker and his serbian donkey cheese at it again. he just has so much stamina. unreal.
  13. seriously, sign this chick in free agency and you can put an end to all of this nonsense, very very fast.
  14. wow. i’ve watched him do this so many times and it’s never anything but amazing.
  15. seems like the next person to break serve will win the match.
  16. i just now tuned in. oh damn.
  17. her teammates doing nothing despite this going on all year is cowardly.
  18. so that player is considered a man? playing in the women’s nba? again, honest questions, this is all brand new to me.
  19. these women constantly talk out of both sides of their mouth, they are wildly unappreciative of what they’ve been given, they are incessantly demanding to be given things like money and ticket sales out of sheer entitlement, they all hate the one player who’s bringing any attention to the league, and anyone who points any of this out gets labeled as a misogynist. man, these chicks are right- it really is harder out here for women.
  20. unreal how many chances bvb have had.
  21. wait, honest question- the wnba has a trans player actively playing? i had no idea that was the case.
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