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Everything posted by Derka

  1. 0/3 yellow cards were needed. let’s let this be decided by the players.
  2. it’s dumb that both teams will play the second half with the opposing teams fans behind the goals they will scoring on.
  3. again, lebron isn’t trying to get anyone to take him seriously as an athlete. and again, i’m simply relaying my experience as a non-wnba fan in regards to what i’ve been exposed to. i only get exposed to the league when i’m watching espn or perusing twitter or IG. all three of those platforms have shown me 90/10 fashion/basketball. you’re acting like i’m attacking these women when i’m simply pointing out that they’re going about being taken seriously as athletes all wrong.
  4. the men aren’t trying to convince anyone to take them seriously as athletes.
  5. holy shit you have to score there.
  6. yeah he’s been an aggie his whole life. yuck.
  7. i’m definitely not complaining. just pointing out that a lot of stuff that these women do undermines their whole, “take our sport seriously!” thing. probably good for eyeballs/attention. not great for being taken serious as athletes.
  8. what time do we play tomorrow?
  9. ibb counting against pitchers is dumb.
  10. i’m such a pussy for picking the wolves.
  11. lots of people have been complaining about her all season, and plenty of others have stepped in to say that she’s only being criticized because she’s a woman, but the truth is she sucks. that “clever” word play is her shtick, and he does that stupid shit throughout the entirety of every broadcast. she seriously is the lowell galindo of mlb broadcasting, and it’s kind of infuriating, because if you care about progress for women *at all* then you don’t want the first prominent female radio broadcaster to be some overly eager try-hard with an actual shtick that she never strays from. she’s either related to someone important, or the people who gave her that gig did so purposely just to stick it to women.
  12. CDC: “Chris, you headed to the luncheon?” CB: “can’t right now boss. 25 cent taps at Chumps Rusty Bucket.”
  13. we’ve got a football team mr.hawkins. and we could use a 6’10”, 23 year old big man who went for 12 points, 6 boards, and 3 assists per game in the big 10 last year, not to mention his 1.5 steals and 1.1 blocks while shooting 37% from three and 79% from the line. come on down!
  14. so i’m finding the wnba entering my tv viewing/social media world a lot more lately, and to this point it’s been about 90/10 fashion/basketball. all i really ever see, day after day after day, is wnba players walking into the arena dressed like they’re at a fashion show where the more skin you show the better. this is all very “women in 2024” for me. they’re like, “i demand that you take me and my profession seriously”, immediately followed by, “hey have you seen my underboob yet today?”
  15. “do they get commission?” ”the money goes to the troop.” ”yeah but what are the troop doing? are they like goons to the maldives every year?”
  16. ok this is a great video. “in four months, how many boxes of cookies do you think are sold by girl scouts of america?” *cockney accent*- fort-e “they sell 200 million.” slow mo replay: “fort-e.”
  17. ok i’m two minutes in and so far my prediction is a biiiiig swing and a miss lol.
  18. i haven’t even watched this video yet, but i am fully expecting these fuckers to have their minds blown:
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