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Everything posted by Derka

  1. i haven’t even watched this video yet, but i am fully expecting these fuckers to have their minds blown:
  2. the potential on draft day is probably at an all time high. the actual talent, comparative to the guys already actually in the nba, is not. there are more projects and fewer ready-made players than previously. by my observation anyway.
  3. if you check my posting history i’ve got beaucoup posts about how many terrible draft classes we’ve had, and there have been a ton of them. my point is simply that players are more unknown now when they enter the draft than they used to be, and again, i don’t think that’s a terribly controversial take. lottery picks used to be star players on star CBB teams that had high tourney seeds, with the exceptions being the obviously uber “gifted” (see: combine warriors, tall, long, athletic, etc) players and the occasional foreigner. these days it is routine for the top picks to largely come from either the international pool, or from 18-19 year old americans who were role players on teams that may or may not have been any good at all, eg anthony black, jarace walker, taylor hendricks, jett howard, etc. the due diligence that’s required these days to figure out if a guy is a winner, a great teammate, ready for the spotlight, etc, far exceeds what we’ve previously seen for decades. all we know is that they have talent and skills; for the most part, we don’t know who they are as a man, player, competitor, winner, etc. it like we used to.
  4. if you just focus on height and weight we are right there with houston, so we’ve got that going for us.
  5. i never knew until just now that that KG 100% knew that a back door slider was coming, and that that’s why he stepped out of the box- to just focus in on that one pitch. amazing.
  6. I watched Anthony Black play in person, both in high school and in college, and I still felt like I had a much better grasp on what kind of player Jayson Tatum was going to be coming into the draft than I did about Anthony Black.
  7. all of those guys were more known commodities when they came out than the crop of g league players + anthony black, jarace walker, taylor hendricks, etc. were. all of those guys were role players who came and went without anyone hardly noticing. ask your friends who follow college basketball who they knew more about when they entered the draft, those guys, or jayson tatum, lonzo ball, josh jackson, de’aaron fox, etc. again, it’s really not even close. there is no comparison.
  8. of course it is. however, as has been stated and repeated, i am referring the players at the time they are drafted, not at the moment when they’ve realized their potential after many years in the league. so again, comparing last years draft (g leaguer, g leaguer, g leaguer, 18 year old role player who can’t shoot from a mediocre team, 18 year old role player from CUSA, 18 year old role player from CUSA) and compare it to recent drafts then there really is no argument that the players coming out today arent less polished than the traditional, historical draft classes were.
  9. i must have missed the part of my own thesis where i said that literally every single player who will ever be drafted from now on will be a total unknown with no exceptions. we’re talking about the nba draft at large, not the 1% of generational talents who are tangential to the conversation. now, would you care to disagree with or discuss anything i’ve actually posted, or was that all? look at the 2017 screenshot vs the 2023 screenshot and tell me again that my “thesis” is incorrect.
  10. i just went and looked at the drafts from 2015-2020 to see what some more recent drafts (so drafts that are more relevant than those of TD and G Hill) and even in these more recent drafts the guys being picked are all much more known commodities with well defined bodies of work than the kids getting drafted today. for example: none of those guys came straight from HS, none of those guys transferred during college, none of those guys played for the G League Ignite, and pretty much all of them played huge roles for competitive ncaa teams and/or blue blood programs. they were known commodities. this was just a few years ago and yet you can’t say that about the most recent/upcoming/future draft classes.
  11. what’s not to understand? the days of tim duncan and grant hill entering the league as polished players is over. drafting is more about potential and less about who the player currently is than it’s ever been. i don’t think this take is even lukewarm, much less hot. i mean what are we even talking about here? is that not the literal definition of what i just described?
  12. well that’s why i said that the talent level of “draft classes” will probably stink going forward, and not the realized talent of players themselves. there will still be the occasional 19 year old who is ready to go, but the days of guys having any sort of polish to their game when they enter the draft are waning. the talent of players these days is off the charts, but on draft night you’re looking at drafting some 19-20 year old american kid who’s spent most of his life acquiring skill and not becoming a polished, winning player.
  13. holy shit what a shot by Ant. nothing obviously special, but draining a pull-up, mid range jumper in that situation is alpha shit. that was sick.
  14. alright. so all minnesota has to do is win 4/5 games on the shoulders of KAT’s three point shooting. too easy.
  15. it’ll probably continue to be that way the current climate of american youth basketball. from players focusing on skill over being a competent, winning player, to what aau has done to player development, iq, and work ethic, to the fact that every 19 year old with a chance to get drafted is entering the draft these days, what you’re left with is a bunch of lesser known foreigners and 19 and 20 year old americans who may be a top five pick who’s already peaked, or a second round pick and future mvp. the talent level of draft classes is probably going to stink going forward.
  16. these videos are just unreal:
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