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Everything posted by Derka

  1. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    what has to happen for gregg to get fired? canada 6-0 usa?
  2. role player. also note that his eFG% is vastly superior those of disu and abmas, which goes to show how disingenuous (oh fuck here we go again) it is to cite his fg% as a plus for him.
  3. dillon mitchell will win you more games than j’covan brown? than jordan hamilton? i don’t think so. also lol at referencing his FG% as some big plus when it’s actually a glaring negative. he shoots a high percentage because all of his shots come from dunking range, despite him physically being a prototypical wing. he would be at the bottom of the league in FG% if he actually played his natural position and was asked to handle the ball and shoot jumpers off the dribble. instead he’s a three who plays as a small five due to his total lack of an offensive game. give me j’civan brown and jordan hamilton all day over dillon mitchell.
  4. as we should. it’s not the 80’s anymore. offense is what wins games and championships. you used to be able to employ players who were a black hole on offense when the game was slow paced, played in the half court, and revolved around big men. it’s the opposite now. if you’re a wing player who’s not a threat to score outside of three feet then you’re a hindrance to your team on offense and you are definitely nothing more than a role player. guys who look like mitchell are supposed to have handle, driving ability, a jump shot, and the ability to set up their teammates. dillon mitchell gets rebounds and scores on dunks. that’s it. he’s essentially the definition of a role player.
  5. mlb doing its best var impression:
  6. hailee steinfeld blew me away in true grit and then i haven’t heard of her since then (i don’t really watch movies tbf). what happened to her?
  7. ben wallace is one of the greatest defenders in nba history, dillon mitchell is an unremarkable, random big xii wing who has to play he’s like a center because he’s so limited offensively. lets not get carried away here.
  8. a guy who absolutely cannot shoot, can’t take people off the dribble, and can’t facilitate is a role player. he’s a good rebounder and rim runner, but he’s still an extremely limited player on offense. at times it’s 4 on 5 on that end when he’s in the game. until he can reliably score he’ll be a role player in the big xii.
  9. I can’t fully explain why, but this guy‘s voice makes me want to go all Andy Bernard on the nearest wall.
  10. the difference in being a fine role player and being a spare is not splitting hairs, it’s two completely different players/roles. fine role players: doj balbay, gary johnson, connor lammert, demarcus holland spares: jd lewis, gerald liddell, devin askew, matt hill good role players have a role to play on good teams. spares don’t.
  11. i said he was a fine role player, where are you getting that i said he was a spare?
  12. dillon mitchell is a fine role player, nothing more. he will always be the 4th/5th option in the floor for a S16 caliber team.
  13. i think that both sides have valid points. the side that isn’t sad to see him go isn’t wrong about him as a player- dillon was extremely limited skill-wise, and simply did not have the year two growth spurt that you’re looking for in a guy with his rankings and physical attributes. conversely, the people who think he’s a bigger loss than the people in group a aren’t wrong about that either. he’d have been in his third year in the program, he’d be a team leader, he’d be a solid-if-not-great contributor, and he’d be a guy who would deservedly play 20+ minutes for this team. at the end of the day this program doesn’t live and die with the dillon mitchell’s of the world. i’d have liked to have had him back, but i’m not going to mourn his loss. losing him will not affect our W/L record, and if it does then we were screwed even if he stayed. i wish him well…but not too well. just well.
  14. maroul was so badass is the 05 CWS. best player in the field and at the plate. legendary performance. also i miss j brent cox.
  15. very similar to raya and ramsdale.
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