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Posts posted by Derka

  1. IMG_5685.thumb.jpeg.b49da0ba904cbbb01ecf0d451de59ebb.jpeg

    not a lot that needs to be said. back in pot 2 in the uefa champions league, two points away from winning the league title, and still fielding one of the youngest yet most cohesive teams in europe. there are no more questions about expectations- they are high, which is where they will stay going forward. now lets sell some of our deadwood, bring in some more first tier players in the midfield and up top, and let’s get right back after it. COYG! 🔴

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. you gotta be shitting me:


    it’s unai emery, followed by arteta, followed by i-don’t-know-how-many more guys before it should ever be Pep. winning the league by two points on the final day is objectively underperforming for that club, but sure, he’s the manager of the year. 🙄 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 39 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    She’s obviously a very good player. It’s the hype that I don’t understand. How is she better than when Parker, bird, or ionescu came into the league.  Is it a Midwest thing?  Didn’t some similar hype happen for Jackie stiles at Missouri whatever university?

    it’s just timing. it’s 2024 and espn has been aggressively marketing and pushing the wnba into the national spotlight for years now, whether anyone has been asking for it or not. she’s a product of the espn hype machine that didn’t exist for previous, better female players. i mean what does everyone think of when they think of caitlyn clark? they think of the steph curry style threes that lead off every episode of sportscenter whenever she plays. never mind that her vision and passing are actually her best qualities. she’s simply the right person at the right time for espn.

    again, very very very very few sports fans actually keep up with this sport or this league. everything they know about it they know because espn has been jamming it down their throats for years now. she’s espn’s chosen one, and as such she’s been given more exposure than any other female player in history. 

  4. 7 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:


    my top 5 baseball movies ….

    1. League of Their Own 

    2. The Natural 

    3. Bad News Bears

    4. Pride of the Yankees 

    5. Major League / Bingo Long Traveling All Stars and Motor Kings / Fever Pitch / Field of Dreams 

    bull durham?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. caitlyn clark’s first two wnba games are the latest examples of the fact that nobody hates women more than other women, lol. she’s getting all of the attention (as she brings more eyeballs, money, and charter flights to the wnba than ever before) so they’ve all decided to go bad boy pistons on her for daring to be good at basketball and well liked, all while drumming excitement for their shitty sport that nobody watches or cares about.

  6. i love thinking about all of the people from wales/the uk/ireland who’d never seen always sunny before rob and ryan took over wrexham, and imagining their reactions when they see what wrexham’s new hollywood owner has been doing for a living for the past couple of decades. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, closetohumping said:

    Murray was a dimbass for throwing the heat pack on the floor

    im a (lightweight) nuggets fan and it was typically spineless of adam silver to not suspend murray for that. that shit is crazy. david stern would have brought the hammer down.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, BeardIP said:

    I don't like him or his game. That is me, thus my (dumb?) sports opinion. Which is why I said "sue me" in a sophomoric way, because arguing over sports opinions and likability is inherently objective and sophomoric. 


  9. Just now, BeardIP said:

    I don't like Denver and don't like Jokic. I'm also not a Denver resident or have any heritage ties to Denver or Colorado. Sue me, I guess.

    that’s you. what about denver and their players is inherently unlikable? also who doesn’t like jokic? why would you even admit that? lol

  10. 4 minutes ago, Pam Cummings said:

    When he beats the Lakers and does it everyone loves him. But losing and then acting like that doesn't come off so well it turns out.

    i’ll ask again: what did he do? the only thing i saw him do was say, “next question” when a reporter asked him about blowing a 20 point lead. stop the presses!!

  11. 26 minutes ago, BeardIP said:


    who’s unlikable, especially when compared to other championship teams? golden state had KD and draymond; spurs and raptors had kawhi; you’ve got the bubble lakers who nobody likes; how is denver not a likable champion? they’re right there with the bucks as likable champions full of likable players that were built through prudent drafting, trading, and FA acquisitions, led by a humble european superstar who doesn’t seek attention, only titles. if you don’t like denver then i can’t imagine who you do like.

  12. it’s funny that everyone in here casting aspersions on MM never said a word about him until the very moment he got knocked off if his throne. where have these opinions been all of this time? lol

  13. 1 hour ago, naija said:

    Malone likes dishing it out but can't take it. Love to see it

    what did he say that was so bad? i didn’t watch the post game, only saw highlights. all i saw him say was “next question.”

  14. 20 minutes ago, closetohumping said:


    I'm not questioning his coaching bonafides, of course he can coach, players probably love him, etc.  But he went off on a reporter for asking how the team felt after the loss.  Guy was just doing his job. Have some class. 

    history says that coaches who ooze class don’t win as much as michael malone does. same goes for mj, kobe, shaq, kareem, etc. the nuggets are a likable team, who cares if their coach gets pissy at a reporter every once in a while? there’s plenty of guys out there way worse than him who don’t win nearly as much. 

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