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Everything posted by Derka

  1. he wasn’t mediocre, he just flamed out overnight: rey ordóñez. edit: actual mediocre player that i loved at 10: glenallen hill.
  2. i say this as a cubs fan, but it would be so badass to see the reds actually get good so that we could see elly stay in a small market (and in that particular ballpark) for the next decade. the inevitably of him becoming a yankee or a dodger (maybe a padre or a red sock if he’s feeling crazy) is one of the worst parts of modern baseball.
  3. i switch over to the astros game at 9-2. i come back and minny is on a 20-0 run. wtf.
  4. i don’t think mitchell wants to be here anymore, i believe he is quite eager for a fresh start.
  5. yeah defending the call to bunt is one thing, but straight up blaming guillorme when he had a 0.0% chance of getting to that ball is just dumb.
  6. also i’m not shadowbanned am i? because i posted that same AI jokic post that AB did, hours before he did, and my post got zero interaction. @ztejas was 100% right when he said that someone like him or me (aka active hoops board players) would notice pretty quickly if we got shadow banned, and i’m already on high alert lol.
  7. i got crushed for reporting this back when it happened, but i went and watched jarrett allen when he was in HS when my school hosted st.stephens on a night when shaka and his wife were in the building. allen acted like an absolute clown who didn’t give a shit about basketball, his coaches, or the fact that shaka smart and his wife were in the building to watch him. allen got T’d up like three minutes into the game for pegging one of our players dodgeball style, after which he hit the bench where he made himself a huge distraction by constantly and loudly joking around, moving around the bench area, not paying attention to the game, etc. my mom (a coach/teacher currently in her 44th year at our school) and i were shocked at how uninterested and disrespectful he was. to this day she can’t believe he made it to the nba based on what an absolute clown he was that night. you may also recall that allen really struggled during non conference play of his one season at Texas. he did not show up ready to compete in D-1 ball and only got into game shape around the time the year turned. there are guys in the nba who live to be basketball players. allen isn’t one of them.
  8. whichever “journalist” felt the need to add this to the story about Toppin should be looking for a new job tomorrow.
  9. lol we live in some wild times man. to think that we’re in the infancy of this type of stuff is scary:
  10. cop gives a kid a $580 ticket for using his mcdonald’s app while in the mcdonald’s drive thru: https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/s/DzZY875JMS
  11. soto is such a complete hitter it’s scary.
  12. the ball does not stick:
  13. been waiting on a schedule like this for a hot, hot minute. one of the funnier parts of my passion for this program is how happy it makes me when i can’t get into the building. there might have been two games ever at the FEC where i couldn’t find a ticket that i could afford. i anticipate that number doubling if not tripling this fall alone.
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