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Everything posted by Derka

  1. something people don’t realize is that his postseason numbers are better than his regular season numbers because he doesn’t actually play a ton of minutes during the regular season. career: 31.2 mpg 2022-23: 33.7 mpg (48th in the league) 2023-24: 34.6 mpg (28th in the league) vs 2023 playoffs: 39.4 mpg 2024 playoffs: 40.0 mpg in other words, the man puts up mvp numbers year after year despite playing way fewer minutes and taking way fewer ft’s than his competition for mvp, and then he goes into the playoffs and plays way more minutes, sees his usg go up, and yet all of his efficiency numbers stay at their elite levels, if they aren’t actually improved! it’s seriously a privilege to witness this kind of greatness. bottom line, nikola jokic is the most unicorn unicorn that has ever unicorn’d in nba history.
  2. he still never got his proper respect until last year. there was always a line of fans, pundits, and players eager to tell you why embiid or giannis or luka is better, or to leave jokic out of their top five current players, and things like that. he’s been as good as lebron ever was for years now, and lebron’s only question was, “is he has good as/better than michael jordan”, not, “am i as an espn/fs1/etc nba analyst going to put devin booker or jayson tatum ahead of nikola jokic on my top 5 players in the nba heading into 2022”. lets call it what it is: it’s a big, slow white guy with seemingly zero personality who plays in the mountain time zone, so people either downplayed and downgraded everything he did, or truthfully for a lot of people they just straight up never watched his games yet still had an opinion on him. people in this thread are talking about him being a top 10 player ever (as they should be) when the reality is that two years ago that devin booker/jayson tatum stuff was actually happening. it really took until last year for everyone to just admit that he’s the best despite him having been the best player for 4-5 years now. i’m not sure there’s ever been a more dominant player in any sport ever who got less respect than nikola jokic did up until about a year ago.
  3. there’s video of you click the post.
  4. i wonder if the kids 20 years from now who never got to watch jokic play will know that it took jokic until ~june 2023 before he was given his due respect, or if the scores of fans, pundits, and players who insisted for years that jokic wasn’t special will all just pretend like that never happened and that we all just loved and appreciated joker from the jump the way we did with mj and lebron.
  5. what’s crazy is that the explanation for the turnaround in this series is literally just that jokic decided to take over. fans who don’t regularly watch denver won’t know that all he does in the 1Q and 4Q of every game is initiate offense and get his teammates involved, particularly murray. whenever denver has a key possession late in a game, 9/10 jokic will call a play to get the ball in murray’s hands, usually clearing out one side so that jamal can go to work 1-on-1 and either score or create. in general jokic never even considers looking to create his own shot, he just wants to play floor general, and if he has to do so he will reluctantly take on the role of primary scorer. that’s jokic’s game. he’s the only superstar i’ve ever seen who has the ball in his hands at the end of games who never ever ever forces anything or thinks he has to be the one to take the big shot. that all changed after denver got down 2-0 with some key players being a bit hobbled. jokic heard the call that he needed to go ahead and be the totally dominant force that can be any time he chooses to do so. instead of everyone else getting going and jokic intelligently picking his spots, jokic is just coming out of the gate like a battering ram and submitting the wolves to his will. he’s doing the same thing in the 3Q and crunch time as well. he’s going directly at the wolves and making himself the primary focus, and not only can they not stop him, and not only is it making life easier on his teammates, but that big serbian fucker is just beating them up physically as well. it’s wild, the way he’s got this shaq-like domination in him, yet he prefers to play the role of magic until his team needs him to be shaq (mixed with equal parts sabonis and bird). jokic is truly 1 of 1.
  6. i’ll get a tattoo of bukayo saka if we somehow win the league. maybe havertz too.
  7. unreal how far we’ve come in the last ~24 months.
  8. what the hell was even that pj washington?
  9. jed bartlet leo mcgarry johsua lyman sam seaborn cj gregg toby ziegler
  10. The Nuggets are the best in the league at wasting time when they’ve got a lead. their opponent will make a basket and a Nuggets player will go to retrieve it out of the net and they’ll bobble it and fumble it and watch it roll away and will slowly walk over to pick it up. all the while the clock is running and the refs are just letting it happen. i’ve watched them do this all year. It’s seriously impressive.
  11. helo has a higher batting average than matt olson.
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