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Posts posted by Derka

  1. 10 minutes ago, yoladu said:

    Oh well

    Once again, for over a century, Southampton doesn't win the top tier league. If it wasn't City, it would be some other team.

    How long has been for the team you support?

    the last time my club (arsenal) won a title was my senior year of HS, and i had no idea who thierry henry was, or that arsenal even existed. my first season as a supporter was 2010-11, so this is easily the closest we’ve ever been to the title since i fell in love with the club. can’t wait to start the fight for second all over again three months from now.

  2. so city has:

    the player of the year i the epl- phil foden

    the actual best player this season- rodri 

    the best midfielder on the planet- kdb

    the second best striker (at worst) on the planet- haaland

    the best manager on the planet- pep 

    the most expensive squad on the planet 

    four consecutive titles

    six of the last seven epl titles

    and 115 charges


    that is so completely fucking stupid i don’t even know why any of us invest our time, energy, and hope into this league. if we promoted four teams this year and just banished city to go join the saudi league the epl would become 100x better overnight. fucking pointless.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. yeah, i’ve never experienced anything like this. it’s the final day of the season, the league championship is on the line, and yet my team can win 10-0 and it still might not (will not) matter. city would need two red cards in the first 10 minutes for me to be hopeful, and let’s be honest, even if they tried to get two early reds the officials wouldn’t have the spine to call it. such a weird, hopeless, helpless feeling when my team is technically playing a game today with a chance to win the title.

  4. 21 hours ago, Pancho said:


    this is facts. there were a few gay guys at Pville who had HANDS, and inevitably someone who didn’t know better would FAFO. there was this male cheerleader named corey who was tiny, skinny, flamboyant, the whole nine. after he publicly pieced up two bigger, stronger, straight dudes people got the message lol. gay dudes got that different energy. just walk away lol.

  5. IMG_5474.thumb.jpeg.b2bc4e16d0799df2fab081b3b5495121.jpeg

    role player.

    also note that his eFG% is vastly superior those of disu and abmas, which goes to show how disingenuous (oh fuck here we go again) it is to cite his fg% as a plus for him.

    • Haha 1
  6. 41 minutes ago, HookEm said:

    Let’s say you have a guy averaging 18 PPG, on 43% FG, while committing over 3 TOs a game and the guy refuses to play a lick of defense or rebound.  People will call him a "gunner" and overlook the fact that he is one dimensional, and probably a net negative.  Then you have a guy like Mitchell, who is #2 in the conference in rebounding, #9 in FG%, who plays borderline all-conference defense, and barely turns the ball over.  This guy is considered a "role player" and is viewed to be inferior to the other player.  Mitchell will win you more than the other guy.

    dillon mitchell will win you more games than j’covan brown? than jordan hamilton? i don’t think so. also lol at referencing his FG% as some big plus when it’s actually a glaring negative. he shoots a high percentage because all of his shots come from dunking range, despite him physically being a prototypical wing. he would be at the bottom of the league in FG% if he actually played his natural position and was asked to handle the ball and shoot jumpers off the dribble. instead he’s a three who plays as a small five due to his total lack of an offensive game. give me j’civan brown and jordan hamilton all day over dillon mitchell.

  7. 39 minutes ago, HookEm said:

    And I'm not saying he doesn't have limitations. I'm just saying we weigh offensive limitations way way more than defensive limitations.

    as we should. it’s not the 80’s anymore. offense is what wins games and championships. you used to be able to employ players who were a black hole on offense when the game was slow paced, played in the half court, and revolved around big men. it’s the opposite now. if you’re a wing player who’s not a threat to score outside of three feet then you’re a hindrance to your team on offense and you are definitely nothing more than a role player. guys who look like mitchell are supposed to have handle, driving ability, a jump shot, and the ability to set up their teammates. dillon mitchell gets rebounds and scores on dunks. that’s it. he’s essentially the definition of a role player.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 45 minutes ago, HookEm said:

    Was Ben Wallace a role player just because he averaged like 10 ppg and couldn’t shoot free throws?

    ben wallace is one of the greatest defenders in nba history, dillon mitchell is an unremarkable, random big xii wing who has to play he’s like a center because he’s so limited offensively. lets not get carried away here. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 41 minutes ago, HookEm said:

    really stretches the definition of role player.

    a guy who absolutely cannot shoot, can’t take people off the dribble, and can’t facilitate is a role player. he’s a good rebounder and rim runner, but he’s still an extremely limited player on offense. at times it’s 4 on 5 on that end when he’s in the game. until he can reliably score he’ll be a role player in the big xii.

  10. Just now, jimmyjazz said:

    OK, I'm out.  We're splitting hairs.  

    the difference in being a fine role player and being a spare is not splitting hairs, it’s two completely different players/roles. 

    fine role players: doj balbay, gary johnson, connor lammert, demarcus holland 

    spares: jd lewis, gerald liddell, devin askew, matt hill

    good role players have a role to play on good teams. spares don’t.


    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. 23 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Well, he was pretty effective on an E8 (and likely F4) team as a freshman, and got better the next year, so no, I don't think he was exactly a spare.

    i said he was a fine role player, where are you getting that i said he was a spare?

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