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Everything posted by Derka

  1. obviously there will be some slight spoilers here, but if you don’t mind that, this video is a pretty compelling case as to why you should watch community:
  2. parks, 30 rock, and community (s1-3) are in one class, then himym and the early seasons of MF are in the next class, followed by the latter seasons of community, then a big gap, then the latter seasons of MF, then 50 feet of crap, then BBT.
  3. this is the basketball version of the 2000’s ravens. just physically dominant, fast, and swarming. there’s no room to breathe.
  4. what’s crazy is that it feels like there is zero chance of a second half comeback. actually it’s not crazy at all lol, wolves have already extended their lead by five since i typed this. denver has been bludgeoned to death in two quarters time.
  5. man i am seriously sweating my nuggets +24.5 1H bet.
  6. murray needs to stop shooting and start facilitating.
  7. 36-20 lead with no gobert for a team that’s never been here before. wolves look scary right now.
  8. cannot believe malone got away with that with no technical foul. wow. 😮
  9. what a terrible ending to this game. as has been the case in every sport all season long, the officials are hogging the spotlight with their incompetence.
  10. that’s a terrible call under the circumstances.
  11. does make this a one-year run for this team?
  12. i’m legit just keeping hope alive that city will somehow get two 1H red cards and that their opponent will pounce. as long as we keep winning then it’s all gravy. no need to give up hope yet. i’m so proud of this team. crazier shit has happened. i believe.
  13. nba fans are up there with soccer fans when it comes to a desire and propensity to talk mad shit, and a year ago nba fans were cruuuushing rudy gobert. look, he’s far from perfect/ to me he’s a luxury player who needs to be surrounded by the right supporting cast in order for him to be his best, but he’s still a helluva lot better then most nba realize/give him credit for.
  14. lol nope. but i also wasn’t trashing minny nor was i claiming that rudy gobert is a lamp post covered in garbage and pigeon shit. speaking of which, rudy has a very legit case to be the most underrated player in the nba. fans trash him and think he sucks, and he just got voted by his peers as the most overrated player in the league, and by a fairly large margin. he’s one of the best defensive players ever, he has a high IQ and rarely hurts you with his play/decisions, and his addition to the team has unlocked KAT’s potential now that he gets to be the player he’s always wanted to be. so no, i wasn’t championing minnesota a year ago, but i also never slammed them, nor did i hop on the “rudy gobert sucks” bandwagon. can’t say the same for plenty of our nba thread denizens.
  15. there’s a whooooole lotta posters here who don’t want their posts from a year ago re: the wolves and/or rudy gobert to be necrobumped lol.
  16. i like it during the all star game when it’s all about the fans and the game doesn’t count. i don’t like it during regular season games when seemingly every year there’s a division/wildcard race or three that comes down to 1 game. i say leave them alone during the real games. or, if you’re going to do it, at least wait until the game is out of hand.
  17. also, i must admit that the interview with marsh did cause me to do a 180 on him. i’ve never liked him due to his wet hair/insecure beard combo, but he actually came off as a pretty cool, normal guy in that interview. now if we could just get that interview to happen at a time when people aren’t hitting baseballs at him, we’d really be on to something.
  18. he’s got karl ravich in his ear asking him this inane nonsense right as a line drive gets hit into the left-center field gap. i megaloathe this practice from mlb baseball.
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