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Everything posted by Derka

  1. jesus christ it is painful watching him try and have a regular conversation. dude can’t even make his own order, he literally just said, “whatever makes sense” when trying to place his order. where did they find this moron?
  2. god damn, i’ve spent some time browsing the subreddit for this game and they’re all just as miserable as i am. every single post is complaining about the game, and they’re all a)legitimate gripes, and b)asinine issues from EA. the latest thread i just clicked on is people doing dynasty mode as UGA and florida isn’t on their schedule. another commenter doing michigan state says he hasn’t played against michigan in 10 years. the thread i read before that was about all of the scripting and how the cpu often becomes an entirely different team in the 4Q after having gotten its ass kicked all game. this is exactly what i said would happen when they announced this game. they got e everyone all excited about the return of ncaa football, only for EA to release yet another lazy, insulting game that’s full of bugs that will never be fixed. i megaloathe this company’s existence.
  3. magats derisively accusing democratic politicians of being liars is the most mind blowing shit i’ve ever seen, and i’ll never get used to it. it’s too fucking crazy. their hero is the. let profound liar in american history, and yet they throw that accusation around like they give a shit. these people are insane.
  4. i really hate that this is the truth, but the instant that i saw this happen my immediate thought was, “you just know that republicans are going to go on twitter and talk shit about this.” the party of family values? the party of small government? the party of patriots? more like the party of hateful, self deluded fucksticks whose view on what matters is so irredeemably warped that they parade that shit around for the rest of the world to see. fuck all of these people and everything they stand for.
  5. https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2024/08/21/detroit-judge-kenneth-king-arrested-teenager-goodman/74856729007/ fuck this motherfucker, i hope the out of court settlement is massive.
  6. so i beat the brakes off utsa in the 1h, and the game has mass subbed my entire offense to open the 2h, and if there’s a way for me to change that then i can’t find it. oh, and they’ve decided that my second team offense feature first team defensive players, so that’s cool too. 🙄
  7. can you send me a link where i can donate? please and thank you.
  8. lulz. 9-2 UTSA is no.5 12-1 Texas is no.6 8-4 nebraska is no.7 11-2 charlotte is no.8 9-3 illinois is no.4 EA Sports everybody.
  9. i don’t throw a lot but he’s got to be averaging 25 ypc for me. probably gets a td for every five catches he gets. he’s the man.
  10. jesus christ, i got crunk when i signed four 5 stars. how can i subscribe to your newsletter?
  11. a)i’m pretty sure that the first offensive play of every single game for the cpu has been a run out of the shotgun. b)i keep playing teams who allegedly are 75% pass and 25% run and yet they all run the ball 65%-75% when i play them.
  12. i need more brick walls to run through.
  13. i looooove everything the democrats are doing to beat any neutrals/republicans over the head with the fact that tim walz is an actual everyman, just like them, unlike that cheeto colored billionaire whose got his name in gold letters on top of a skyscraper in manhattan. football, hunting, auto repair, teaching; THIS is your candidate who relates to you, who understands your struggles and needs, and who has proven that he can affect change in a great number of different, but important areas. tim walz is who the republicans were pining for when they decided to go full cult mode for donald trump. well, they’ve got their guy now, and the democratic leadership is doing everything they can to make sure these voters know it. let’s hope that enough of these people open their eyes to notice that they’ve finally got their guy in the race. walz is the perfect candidate for this time and place. we are not going back.
  14. the two sides “disagree”. right. your side has left the gas on and set the house on fire. our side thinks we should call the fire department and evacuate the surrounding area. your side “disagrees”, and would gladly watch the entire neighborhood go up in flames if it meant “owning the libs”. we are not the same. there are not fine people on both sides. not in this discussion. your party and its people have become radicalized, idol worshipping zealots who are beyond saving. you are the aggie corp of cadets, larping as soldiers, squeezing your nuts, pulling your swords, and jizzing in jars. but because of the insular nature of the echo chamber that you live in you’ve convinced yourselves that you’re the normal ones and that it’s everyone else who’s lost the plot, not realizing that every sane, normal, non-radicalized person in the world looks at you and sees the biggest collection of self important dorks, weirdos, and pathetic psychopaths who live in a fantasy land where patriots try to destroy democracy and where christians hate the ooor and the sick and live to worship false idols. holy run-on sentence batman, you fuckin weirdos have got me worked up.
  15. i’ve always wondered how steve young was able to share a locker room with deion sanders, terrell owens, and worst of all charles haley.
  16. apparently nomaaa’s pitchers only throw perfect games now. keller and manaea combined so far for 11 innings, 3 hits, 0 bb, 15 k’s.
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