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Posts posted by Derka

  1. apparently glen taylor bought out a minority owner giving him 0.14% more ownership than a rod and lore. good call on his part. 


  2. 1 hour ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

    Giddey a smooth -20 in 10 minutes tonight. Woof. 

    Looks like we got ourselves a series. 

    maybe. Mavs shot 18-37 from deep, including 7-11 from PJ Washington; tim hardaway jr scored 17 points on 10 shots in 19 min; josh green scored 11 points on 6 shots in 16 min. i didn’t get to watch the game, but just looking at the box score that doesn’t seem repeatable.

    also, as much as i love luka, physically speaking he makes paul pierce look like russell westbrook. he’s somehow still doughy and seemingly overweight. not many doughy, overweight perimeter players who’ve led their teams to memorable playoff series victories. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Helobious said:

    2003 Eric Gagne. And as with all non-Rivera closers, he completely fell off the wagon soon after

    2012 fernando rodney came to mind but he didn’t k guys like mason miller does. he did have an 0.60 era and 0.77 whip though. i haven’t seen a better season since then. 

  4. On 5/8/2024 at 2:27 AM, shadow_operative2.0 said:

    Episode 6

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    Daily wasn’t bad, at least some physicality.

    Stupid the way it went down, but Jasmine is fucking irrelevant anyway. 

    yes, best daily in a long time as they had to compete physically with ike another and you could actually keep up with what was happening since they were all playing together at the same time, as opposed to dancing around in pairs on top of an 18 wheeler as everyone else stands by and watches.

  5. 4 hours ago, aggie08 said:

    Getting way ahead of myself, but still: who here had Minnesota v. OKC as their WCF matchup?

    teams always have to lose before they can win. minnesota and their players have never been there before, while okc has never been there before and they have a major question mark when it comes to size/interior play. zero chance i would have believed that could be the finals matchup without any impactful injuries to star players from opposing teams. no chance.

  6. he could feasibly compete for the triple crown while also going 40/40. the fact that he’s running again only elevates his offensive ceiling that much more.

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