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Everything posted by Derka

  1. yeah i have a pretty similar setup:
  2. police chief acts like the unhinged psycho that he is, local pastor/residents are “shocked” that a police officer would act this way: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/6ZNIMx5Jcr the video of the cop is infuriating enough, but then you follow it up with people who normally worship the police being “shocked” that this everyday occurrence happened and you just throw roll your eyes, throw your hands, and wonder what world they’ve been living in.
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/article/2024/aug/06/house-of-the-dragon-game-of-thrones-prequel
  4. i mean yeah, that’s a pretty sick team. i doubt you could make a better team using any other single letter.
  5. he is not human. i don’t know how that went out, but he knew it off the bat.
  6. semi-related: i wonder how good of an all-time team you could come up with using only players whose last names end in “z”? i think it’d be a pretty damn good team.
  7. i can’t put my finger on exactly what it is (probably because it’s everything), but i hate this commercial, and this guy, and his records, and his plants, and his loan depot mug, with a passion.
  8. it should be 100% mandatory that any pitcher who gets hit in the head by a batted ball has to leave the game and immediately go to the hospital for tests and monitoring. this is a no-brainer, pun intended.
  9. logan allen is having a terrible day. sent down to the minors for 30 days, comes back up today, gives up back to back hr to start the game, then gets absolutely nailed in the head by comebacker from randall grichuk. i can’t believe they are letting him stay in.
  10. remember when i got yelled out of this thread for making posts that many of you are now yourselves posting word for word? derka remembers. this show is not good, and none of the characters are worth rooting for or against. totally uninteresting build up to nothing. i can’t imagine why anyone would tune in for a season three two years from now. just scrap it and start a new series.
  11. and iwobi is there to hug him. hale end boys represent!
  12. yeah, i’ve been in weekly therapy since 2009. unfortunately i’ve had three amazing therapists who all eventually moved away so now i’m on my fourth one. creating that bond with your therapist over years of sharing your best, worst, lowest, most private, intimate moments with someone only to have them move away and have the rules say that you’re both cut off from contact forever sucks. it therapy is too important for me to stop going. it’s helped me and changed my life more than any medical doctor or facility ever has.
  13. anybody know which one it is?
  14. i read this as, “it is often derkaest before the dawn”, and i feel that the sentiment still remains. all jokes aside i appreciate your kind words, and i plan to continue to work hard and seek happiness and fulfillment in my life. words like yours make a difference. thank you. 🤘🏼
  15. people drag KD for going to GS but they all seem to forget that once he actually got there and was winning championships with his clutch performances everyone was gong, “holy shit this guy is clearly better than lebron, kevin durant is unquestionably the best player in the world.” ever since his achillles exploded everyone just forgot that, even though he’s statistically been as good as/better than he was prior to his injury. KD gets slammed for joining a super team, and yet his time on that super team is the only time in his entire career that he’s gotten his proper respect. he's the best all around scorer ever, it’s no secret that he’s made himself into a very good defender for many years now, and he’s arguably the most clutch star of the last 25 years. KD is latest example that nobody punishes/props up players more for winning/losing titles than the nba and its fans do. if KD had won that third title/finals mvp in GS then the way he is viewed today/in the future would be totally different, totally elevated from where it is now. only lebron can argue that he’s been a better player this century, but with only one mvp and two titles people seem to forget that.
  16. the umpire blowing a ball/strike call isn’t on the umpire? guess i don’t know ball.
  17. if the umpire was lined up over the plate he would have been able to see that the ball was in the zone. he also doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt when he was terrible all game.
  18. i posted an extremely long video about this a few days ago, but this hits close to home right now. i was involuntarily put into a mental health facility where they immediately took me off several of my meds (including benzos), and when i went through withdrawals and couldn’t sleep or eat for days they refused to help me. i literally was screaming a crying at them, “i’m looking at a bunch of people wearing scrubs, who all call themselves medical professionals, and you’re all acting like you can’t hear or see me!” their response was to grab five nurse techs who all look like myles garrett, have them surround me and tell me that i need to calm down. the trauma of being trapped in a building surrounded by people whose job/training says they’re supposed to help me, but who instead are getting off on my suffering, was a special kind of torment. the images and feelings from that place still run through my head when i try to sleep at night, and i imagine they will for awhile.
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