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Everything posted by Derka

  1. france played some really stupid offensive basketball down the stretch. they got antsy and repeatedly took bad shots during a stretch when japan couldn’t score either. they should have kept going to the rim after the gobert block. OOHHHHHHH SHIT, LARRY JOHNSON TIME!!!!
  2. wow, outstanding last 90 seconds of game play.
  3. what a block. tower stifled.
  4. some other options laid out here:
  5. i negged you because you started this conversation by calling me and my takes stupid and silly right out the gate. what are you, 12? if you want to make a point, especially an inaccurate point, don’t be a dick about it. i mean if only AD could gain 60 lbs, have the ball in his hands on every play, and get rewarded for playing mike alstott style basketball, *then* he’d be somewhere near the universe in which embiid lives. 🙄 you come out saying this completely retarded shit and yet you call someone else stupid. yeah, you deserve a neg rep.
  6. USG- joel embiid: 39.6%, by far the highest in the league AD: 26.7% FTA- embiid: 11.6/gm AD: 6.8 but yeah, tell me more about how Captain Flop is just on another planet offensively from AD.
  7. embiid led the league in FTs by barreling into his opponents ad nauseam. if you’re going to be combative and insulting it would be cool if you actually watched the two players in question playing basketball. AD is more well-rounded, a much better facilitator, and doesn’t get his stats by cheaply bowling over people all night long. he also doesn’t shrink in the playoffs. but good luck finding anyone else who watches this sport who thinks that joel embiid is “on another planet” from AD.
  8. they are virtually equals offensively, and AD’s career numbers/numbers when lebron isnt playing bear that out.
  9. if AD weren’t so injury prone he’d probably have multiple mvps. he is so much better than embiid, and so much better than the average fan gives him credit for. his lame personality and alliance with lebron don't do him any favors either. but a healthy AD has been a top 5, perhaps no.1 best player in basketball for many years now. to start embiid over him is kind of a joke, but a)it doesn’t matter (or it least it shouldn’t matter) as we should run the table, and b)as long as he plays the major/end game minutes then who cares who starts/
  10. it’s either the two division winners + the next four teams or the top two in each division + the next two teams. either way it’s six.
  11. early in the season it felt like the balls had been nerfed. this summer the balls are flying out. maybe it really just is the weather. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  12. so like i was saying about oneil cruz.
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