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Everything posted by Derka

  1. lol they’re not handling this well.
  2. the current pinned tweet at the top of schloss’s twitter page: “storied past, bright future, this is a&m baseball.”
  3. people have been talking about these fudged stats for a while now, and I’ve never been able to bring myself to care at all. Are we really going to act like Michael Jordan was not one of the all-time great defensive players in NBA history because he was given an extra steal here or there? does this “news” really do anything to change your opinion on Michael Jordan or his defensive ability and prowess? for me it does not. especially considering that the genesis of all of this talk is a bunch of GenZ kids trying to paint the NBA legends from the 80s as plumbers.
  4. three of the GOAT females on one team. if only they could get along.
  5. somebody needs to come take one of these 1B off my hands. i need OF and SP. naylor had a career year last year and is on pace to shatter it this year. olson’s resume speaks for itself. if he even comes close to his averages over the last 3-5 years then he’s going to go nuclear in the second half. the bottom line is that with shohei at DH i can’t keep two 1B. first team to send me a legit offer gets a stud. holler at me.
  6. the aggies adopting the jocko willink “good” mantra is so, so aggy it’s hilarious. listen, as a principle jocko’s “good” mantra is something that i think is a good/healthy mindset to have. when things go wrong you don’t act like a sorry sad sack, you find a reason to turn it into something legitimately good. i’m all for that, 100%. that said the entire premise of the “good” mantra is “ok so shit just went really bad; what do we do now?”. for their program to adopt that as their entire mantra, replete with custom “good” gear on all of their fans is just too fucking funny and appropriate, especially considering that the HC who just implemented said mantra is about to be coaching the team that is the ire of every aggie everywhere. i am very much looking forward to seeing how the aggies apply their mantra to what’s about to happen: “we hired our dream coach three years ago, he just had us at no.1 all season, he just led us to the cws final series, annnnnnd now he’s just left us for tu. that’s good. this is good. this is definitely good. everything is good. everything is fine…”
  7. “jj redick gets a head job.” lol
  8. wow. you come in out of the pen and don’t allow anyone to even make contact. that’s clutch.
  9. wake me up when someone here says that. then you might have a point. until then you and your cadre are just continuing to tilt at windmills simply because you don’t like the opinions of others.
  10. they’ve got to be nerfing these balls, because how the hell did that not leave the park? also, what a slide! lolol
  11. i wonder how many people have ever hit a hr in all three cws games. that’s got to be a very short list.
  12. watch out CC, the next big thing is already here:
  13. two-strike bunt double, that’s just pville athleticism for you.
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