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Everything posted by Derka

  1. this probably already got posted, but it’s been hectic around here lately and if it was then i missed it. the more i articles o read and the more videos i watch about Schloss’s tenure at a&m and his relationship with their fans, the more it becomes crystal clear that he has been just as confused, bewildered, and annoyed by them as everyone else who lives anywhere outside of that backwards cult town.
  2. javy, rizzo, and bryant were the young core of the 2016 world series winning cubs. they’ve all been bad since ~2018. i don’t ever remember seeing a young core of all stars/mvp candidates (and a winner) get so bad, so fast.
  3. i just laughed for five straight minutes remembering your posts after y’all signed judge and you proclaimed it the greatest lineup of all time. i believe i said at the time that your lineup would be two scary hitters and seven guys who are walking k’s. wasn’t too far off.
  4. people have been saying he can’t read for forever. still, even if it’s true, that’s a dumb reason not to draft a guy.
  5. it’s just wild how quickly these fat, slovenly, scared-to-death cops escalate things from “stopped for running a stop sign” to, “i’m body slamming you”, to, “i’m murdering you as you run away from me with your hands up.” https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/ulB6wORJSH
  6. good few days for Coach Barnes.
  7. ron holland, jaylen tyson, and aj johnson all just went in the first round. 🤮🤮🤮
  8. “with this win over mexico, venezuela has said that they are here to win the whole thing.” ok fox announcers. 🙄
  9. i’ll add to the list: at some point in the last 5-6 years touchdowns have become “tuddies”, which is arguably the dumbest thing i’ve ever heard.
  10. wild how much the draft has changed since the sport has gone global. imagine 15-20 years ago hearing that HS kids can no longer get drafted and yet only two of the first six are college players, and both of them were one-and-done guards.
  11. Derka

    Euro 2024

    holy shit this game is absolute madness. truly never anything like this. total chaos.
  12. Derka

    Euro 2024

    “have yellow card will travel.” 😂😂😂 this referee is fucking nuts lol.
  13. Derka

    Euro 2024

    been out at the pool all day, just got back and caught up on the games on my dvr. holy shit. first i watch georgia being their fans (and even a diplomat or two) to years as they accomplished the impossible (lol ronaldo), and im only just now seeing the first goal in türkiye vs chechia and holy shit what a madness this is. the euros are delivering!
  14. this did not go the way i thought it was going to go.
  15. pippen, rodman, mj, and harper all on one team in ‘96. you could rank mj 3rd or even 4th on that list without too much argument. eta- it could be my romanticized memory, but i do also feel like mj had a knack for making impactful defensive plays on a level that was truly elite. scottie was a better defender, but i seem to have more memories of making big, momentum shifting chase down blocks and important steals (‘98 on malone) than guys like harper, rodman, and pippen.
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