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Everything posted by Derka

  1. so we've got barnes, peyton, some guy, heupel playing with himself, and morgan wallen. who’s the old guy?
  2. you’re really arguing that we can’t already tell that CC is an elite, all-time great passer? did you say the same thing about Magic in 1980? again, it’s hilarious that you’ve accused everyone else in here of being too biased to be objective.
  3. Derka

    Euro 2024

    did we ever find out how we got 8 minutes of stoppage time?
  4. Derka

    Euro 2024

  5. Derka

    Euro 2024

    wow! donnarumma! and before i can even hit send modric has gone ahead and scored! wow!
  6. roomie cop who was ignoring safety protocols and breaking the law smashes into another vehicle instantly killing two innocent pedestrians. beyond that, the office had another random, unidentified person in his backseat as he was flying towards a reported armed robbery: despite breaking countless department rules and state laws and killing two people, the officer is not on leave.
  7. she’s the best female passer i’ve ever seen and is already the best passer in the league. she led the ncaa in assists and is going to do the same in the wnba. she’s absolutely one of the best women’s passers of all time right now. her cementing that status is legitimately just a matter of time.
  8. i stopped paying for the app for a while, but then got back on it recently made a new reel. spoiler alert: derka dogs are back.
  9. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    they also said on the broadcast that he didn’t really like taking corners, and that they basically forced him to train his ass off at them because was gonna be their guy. i don’t mind pulisic expanding his bag, but that seems like an odd way of going about choosing who takes your corners.
  10. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    “pepi is cursed here in his hometown!” ”well, he’s originally from el paso, but he moved to dallas when he was 13.” yeah, also, arlington is not dallas, so still not his hometown either way.
  11. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    bolivia keeper earning his paycheck.
  12. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    oh my god stu holden shut the fuck up. stop analyzing every single thing that happens. you are surely on your way to breaking the world record for words spoken while calling a soccer match. shut up. oh good, he finally shuts his mouth and it’s so that we can go down to our blonde female sideline reporter to give us a report about a goal celebration from the first half! jesus christ fox is so third rate.
  13. the craziest part of this entire thing by far is that cc’s own teammates and coaches seem to hate her just as much as angel reese and chennedy carter. they don’t have her back when she gets roughed up, they freeze her out, they ignore her down the stretch of close games…the entire thing is just baffling.
  14. if there’s another player in the entire league who’s a better passer than clark i would be seriously impressed, and would love to see her highlights. cc will go down as one of the all time great passers in the history of the game.
  15. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    love the way mckennie stayed on his feet and kept going. so so close to being a great goal.
  16. because i’ve been blamed for the failures of the wnba by its players. stop asking these questions when you already know the answer. specifically, that none of us ever did care about the league, but at a certain juncture we reached a tipping point on wnba players demanding that men pay more attention, give them more money, give them more respect, etc. we finally started paying attention, and it turned out that both the women and the on-court product were even shittier than we had imagined. now we’re here and we’re interested. be careful what you wish for. don’t beg for attention if tour product sucks and your most notable players are hypocritical, self important dick heads.
  17. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    balogun!! let’s goooo!!!
  18. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    rob stone and stu holden have not stopped talking for five goddamn minutes. STFU.
  19. Derka

    USMNT 2024

    listen im far from a tactical expert when it comes to soccer, ut even i know that having. three players all in one line along the touch line (while in possession no less) is a fucking joke. just terrible.
  20. we can’t really comment on him right now as we don’t know what kind of progress he’s made since last season, nor do we have any idea what our new pieces will look like together or how ready they’ll be. weaver could be our sixth man or he could be our best player. he’ll have an important role either way, and it’ll be up to the staff to figure out how to best utilize him.
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